
Saturday, March 12, 2011

Israeli Apartheid Week in Gaza: Celebration of the murder of 3 children, aged 11, 3, and a baby, by passing out candy and dancing in the street.

The headline tells the story. It's disgusting and incomprehensibly barbaric.

This week, Judy Rebick, slow-witted Queen's University professor Abbie Bakan and some others did their best to enable making these attacks easier by trying to weaken Israel's ability to defend itself.

The answer is clear. Forget about Gaza for the foreseeable future. It's a hole. Concentrate on peace with the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank.

WARNING: This video contains horrific, graphic photographs taken at the murder scene:

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h/t Blazing Cat Fur and Sassy Wire

1 comment:

  1. Well, Moshe, what do you suggest? You'll never be able to completely wipe out the Palestinians' ability to attack and to be fair, they, as a people, have gotten a raw deal at times. Much of that was the fault of their own leadership, but not all of it by any means.

    This cycle of violence can't go on forever, so it's going to require compromise on both sides if it's ever going to end.


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