
Monday, October 8, 2012

Socialist morons at website of NDP Deputy Leader's spouse want violent revolution (again)

The imbeciles at, the website published by the same-sex spouse of NDP Deputy Leader Libby Davies, are frustrated that the majority of the Canadian public doesn't vote for their vision of socialist totalitarianism.

So not for the first time, they are debating the merits of violent revolution in Canada in a forum called "What if the black bloc have the right idea?"

Here are a few samples:

Do we have to wait till feudalism sets in completely before we do something? Its doubtful we would have the brains or nerve to stand up even then.
Im not a member of the black bloc but increasingly my thinking is becoming more radical then theirs.
Dont you guys/girls get sick of the insanity going on with conservatives? Whats your tipping point? When your children get indoctrinated? When would you be willing to do anything to get rid of conservatives?

"..once again we have this confusion about peaceful vs. violent. Violent actions are necessary in various forms all the time, both offensively and defensively."

Im not a communist but who says a violent takeover would be for the worst? Honestly.
I am not a violent person but when the choices, more and more, appear to be "be quiet and grab your ankles" or a radical takeover, what hope is there for anyone on the left?!
Where is any progress? Waiting and the usual outlets arent working.

"Well, pacifism is a pathology in many respects. It's the very same condition the state relinquishes to the masses as their right, when it graciously allows people the freedom to say almost anything they want, individually or in groups, so long as none of the projects of the corporate state are seriously interrupted.  It's the equivalent of the corporate state telling protesters to 'knock yourselves out,' and in return pacifism agrees to perform the ritual of democratic dissent to assist in maintaining the general facade; to be conducted from approved assembly areas and along agreed upon routes, with the requisite papers in order."

"First off just because most of the western world hasent had a coup that doesnt mean it isent necessary."
"Im not just talking about bricks in windows, im talking about storming parliament, at what point does that become a reasonable thing to do."

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