
Monday, February 9, 2015

A heartwarming tale of radical feminism: "I Aborted My Baby – Because it was a Boy"

This reads like a fantastic parody of the idiocy of extremist, 3rd wave feminism.

But if you've been paying attention, you know that no parody comes close to approaching the absurdity that is the reality of these things. If you have any doubt, just check this out for yourself:

...One of the more alarming incidents happened while I was on my way to San Francisco to participate in an Occupy Wall Street rally. I sat down in my seat on the plane, which happened to be extra full for that day, and a particularly well dressed man happened to be sitting in the seat beside me, in the aisle. After takeoff, he asked me what I was going to San Francisco for, while I generally wouldn’t talk to a man sitting next to me on an airplane, I told him I was going to the OWS rally.
The man literally scoffed when I spoke those words and leaned in and quietly said to me “B****** like you need to learn their place”. Stunned, I screamed “ASSAULT!” ...
*Trigger warning* – Extreme patriarchy
By this time, a male flight attendant was on the scene and I told him to have the man moved. The woman-hater just laughed as the flight attendant continued to press me on if he made any physical contact with me. For a moment, I contemplated bending the truth in order to get the woman-hater away from me. His words had violated both my feelings, and my trust, perhaps as much of a violation as actual physical touch. In the end, I confirmed that no physical contact was made, to which both flight attendants told me they couldn’t make him move.
I was flabbergasted, and then betrayed as they recommended that I move to one of the empty seats. This left me in tears. I knew the only way to get away was to move seats so I did so tearfully and having felt as though I had been verbally and emotionally raped...
Today, my doctor, who I will call “Sandy” did an ultrasound and everything appeared to be fine. “Would you like to know the gender?” Sandy asked. I thought to myself “That machine is an ultrasound, not a crystal ball, you couldn’t tell me the gender of my baby even if you wanted to” 
“Sure” was my response.
“It’s a boy”…..…… 
“What?” I managed to sputter. Sandy then showed me on the ultrasound how exactly my body had betrayed me even worse than the misogynistic suit jockey on the airplane so many months before. I was in shock, I started crying, weeping at the thought of what I was about to curse the world with.
On my way home, my driver asked if I was ok and if I needed anything. “JUST STOP RIGHT HERE” I yelled. Deciding to walk the 4 blocks back home. My home became my prison and my fetus became my warden the next 48 hours. Crying, sobbing, uncontrollable weeping, mental anguish the likes of which may only be experienced by those who have had their lives destroyed by war, I was a refugee, and my home was my refugee camp, an unfamiliar place that was just….sheltering me.
By the third day, I started regaining some of my mental strength and knew what I had to do. I couldn’t bring another monster into the world. We already have enough enemies as it is...
...I stand by my decision to abort my baby because it was a male...

h/t Barbara Kay & The Pundit Press 


  1. I hope she dies screaming in a barrel of fire.

  2. All things considered, perhaps it's best that someone like that not procreate.

  3. Imagine the fuss if a woman could abort her baby because that baby has a likelihood of being gay?

  4. I think this might be a hoax. At least I hope so:

  5. It does look pretty suspicious, Paul.

    And it does read like a parody of the sort of thing you'd expect a Gender Studies major at OISE to write. But on the other hand, those people do exist and do say and do shit that crazy.

    What I found less bizarre than someone choosing a gender-based abortion, or even bragging about it, was the juxtaposition of self-pity with self-aggrandizement, which in fact did make it look very typical of what sees coming out of "Social Justice education" at OISE.


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