
Monday, March 23, 2015

Congressional Democrats mutiny against Obama's capitulation to Iran

It's not just Senate and Congressional Republicans who are upset with President Barack Obama's capitulation to Iran on a nuclear deal.

Congressional Democrats are warning the White House that only Congress can repeal the sanctions against Iran. In the event of a bad deal that the Obama administration seems intent on racing towards, it now appears that opponents of lifting sanctions against Iran have enough bipartisan support to override a presidential veto.

...make no mistake: Congress will play an important role in the evaluation of a final deal. Again, I want to say that I will not stand by and allow Congress to be marginalized.  Any permanent repeal of sanctions is, by law, Congress’s discretion.  And before we do that, we must be completely convinced that this deal blocks all of Iran’s pathways to a nuclear bomb...
In other news, Obama's peace partner, Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, called for "Death to America" on Saturday, which is no doubt meant to reassure Secretary of State John Kerry of Iran's peaceful intentions regarding its nuclear program.

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