
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Queers for Davies and "apartheid"

What is the politically correct way of saying "imbecile"?..Well, they're members of the NDP, so that of itself says most of what is needed.

Anyway, a campaign is underway by certain NDP members who support Libby Davies and her implications that the middle-east's only actual democracy is an "apartheid" country. I won't go into how these people of questionable intelligence have redefined the word "apartheid" so that it no longer resembles the system of racial segregation and disenfranchisement that characterized South Africa and have redefined it as "Duh..whatever Israel is doing, duh..that's what apartheid is."

One of the most active is a strong supporter of, surprise..Queers Against Israeli Apartheid. You've heard of that vile little group that had its own recent controversy and was barred from participating in Toronto's Pride Parade. That ban came after the municipality in effect said it would pull all its funds from Pride and virtually all of its major sponsors balked at the idea of sponsoring an event that countenanced the participation of a group of anti-Israel bigots.

(What's really interesting, or pedantic, depending on your point of view, is that this guy has added footnotes to a facebook post. Someone's spent a bit too much time in school trying to pick up a post-grad Sociology degree, perhaps?)

Here is the facebook post text which you can see here:

Urgent action calls: For Libby Davies & Palestine

Please post to your profile -- and also copy and send the text to like-minded and progressive people!

Originally sent via this Facebook group:
NDP Supporters or Members who Agree that Israel is an Apartheid State
Join. Invite. Share.

* * * * *

Four quick actions to support Libby and Palestine
15 June 2010

Dear Friends,

For a second day, the Israel/Zionist Lobby[i] continues to attack NDP MP Libby Davies for her accurate statements and educated opinions about Israel/Palestine.[ii,iii] The Conservatives and Liberals have, as usual, shamelessly united and have sided with the Lobby.[iv]

Contrary to the outright lies and distortions, nothing that Libby said was factually incorrect. Nor did Libby misrepresent the NDP's official policies on Israel/Palestine -- as outdated as they are. Libby is a highly principled politician and a supporter of many progressive causes. Now, she needs our support.

Yesterday I urged you (1) to send an e-mail to NDP MPs, (2) to "like" Libby's fan page on Facebook, and (3) to post a message of support on her page.

Tonight and especially tomorrow (Wed Jun 16), I am encouraging you to take the following FOUR very quick actions:

[1]► CONTINUE sending e-mails to the NDP caucus. Repeat e-mails with new thoughts and facts (see notes below) are definitely helpful. You can copy the list of e-mail addresses from:

[2]► TELEPHONE Libby's Parliament office to express your thanks and support for her and her accurate statements: 613-992-6030. (If you live in the Vancouver area, also call her constituency office: 604-775-5800.)

EXAMPLE of what to say (leave a voicemail if necessary):
"Hello. My name is _____ and I am an NDP member/supporter from _____. I am calling to express my total support for Libby and her recent statements about Palestine. Everything she has said is entirely accurate and perfectly legitimate, and she is to be commended for her courageous and principled stand. Please ensure that Libby receives my message. Thank you."

[3]► TELEPHONE Jack Layton's Parliament office (613-947-0867) to say that you support Libby, endorse her comments about Palestine, and that you are very disappointed in his criticism of Libby. It is shameful that Jack is siding with the Israel Lobby; we thought he was different from the Liberals and Conservatives. (If you live in Toronto, please also call his constituency office: 416-405-8914).

[4]► TELEPHONE NDP MP Thomas Mulcair's Parliament office (613-995-7691) to say that you are extremely disappointed and disgusted by his attack on Libby -- his colleague -- and by his decision to side with the Israel Lobby, the Liberals, and the Conservatives. His actions are absolutely shameful and an embarrassment to New Democrats. (If you live in the Montreal area, please also call his constituency office: 514-736-2727).

THANK YOU, FRIENDS. As a final step, please copy and forward this message to all like-minded and progressive people in your networks. The NDP is presently following the lead of the Israel Lobby; we need to remind the Party that it should instead follow the lead of its supporting grassroots activists and its own founding principles.

In peace and solidarity,
Rick Telfer

PS. Remember to "like" and/or post a(nother) supportive message on Libby's Facebook fan page at:


i. Israel Lobby:
ii. 1948 occupation of Palestine:
iii. BDS campaign:
iv. Right-wing pro-Zionism news story:

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