
Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Hear him lose it - All the Uncensored Mel Gibson Tapes Here

There are personal and scary and we probably shouldn't be listening to these. But...

In tape 2, Oksana repeats to him, "you need medication". His response has to be heard to be believed

UPDATE: Tape 4 just surfaced..

UPDATE 2 (Tape many of these Mother F^&^&^ers are there?!)

UPDATE 3: Tape there no end to these things?? This one's pretty good though

UPDATE: July 27 - Tape 7

Tape 8:

and in closing, some comic relief (if you've just listened to those last 8 tapes, you'll need some):

UPDATE: July 17 - Experts say tapes were tampered with. See the report here


  1. I think Mel is very sick...She seems like a very nice Lady...he should be grateful to have a lady like that.

  2. Who the $%^& really cares?

    I have no interest in watching or hearing any more details about his disfunction. He needs rehab and anger mgmt therapy.
    Assuming he really is a racist prick to boot,he's got that to deal with too. Whatever.

  3. The only reason to be concerned is that this A..holes action are held up as being something to emulate. Mel Gibson = Melanie Gibbon = Absolute Turd. We don't need this creep entertaining our Children or anyone else.

  4. sounds like some normal relationships around here. he is human too.

  5. Mel Gibbson a person who created his success , paid the price of tuition in the University of hard Knocks demonstrates that at the top of the "so call pile", unless you have health be it physical or mental , it really is a dog's breakfast, money , fame , looks , status, what is it when you are syphilitic, psychotic, substance abuse addicted person and the world knows it , your fans knows it , your children knows it , the people you step on knows it, and you do not know it or at least you pretend not to , the demons are real within, as you swim deep into the waters of your nightmare, being loved and loving someone is the most primary of human needs and Mel you had it and you crushed it , do the crime take the time but bro my prayer for you is that it is your choice to make it good time not bad , cease the evil and live in the shadows, as you go quietly in the night.

  6. Why would she tape a conversation, If you listen to the tapes she was setting him up. Stay strong Mel !!!! She is in it for money. She can not do anything else. She is a bad person

  7. He's a monster who deserves to be 6 feet under. Good for her for taping him to protect herself. Abusers like him deserve to be humiliated and exposed.

  8. wow, he is REALLY crazy, he doesn't even make sense.
    There is no way he should get anywhere near that baby, he's a raving lunatic, all this because he didn't get a bj, wow, at least she seems to make sense and is calm but frustrated and tired of his craziness.

  9. wow, she taped the conversation because who the heck would believe her, would you believe it if you didn't hear it for yourself, I don't think anyone with a new baby would put themselves through that for the money she actually sounds like a pretty calm person whilst going through all that, and he obviously has anger issues, and probably really does need medication. I feel really bad for her she probably thought she had a perfect life a real catch and he turns out to be a lunatic, knocking her teeth out, but she's the bad person, let me guess you are a man. SAD!

  10. Yes, he sounds kinda psycho in the tapes. But it doesn't mean that she wasn't just using him. She probably just maintained the relationship for as long as she could so that she could get as much money out of him as possible. And if she purposely provoked him to get him angry at her then she deserves it.

  11. People can be and are cruel to each other all the time, imagine you were in the spotlight, recorded in those moments you'd prefer to forget.

    Judge not lest ye be judged, etc... you don't personally know these people, do you?

  12. Of course, she recorded it to protect herself. This is what his homophobic, misogynist, anti-Semitic ass gets for dumping his wife. He's just another hypocritical catholic. I hope he wallows in his own misery.


  14. There is no excuse for Mels rants language etc...but these snips of tapes don't tell the whole story, she new they were being recorded so of course she would be careful of the way she spoke. I'm sure she also new what would set him off into these rants. How many hours of tapes are there?... that she wouldn't release because it would show her in a different light as well. Possibly baiting him into these rants with the same language and racist remarks as Mel, she wouldn't release them now would she??? Not everything is always as it seems!

  15. I agree he sounds like he is out of control and she appears so calm. But, am I the only one who thinks she stimulated this type of response to begin with? What the heck could someone do to invoke that type of rage in a person? Why isn't anyone questioning the validity of the tapes? Is this some sort of software crafted piece, because it sounds suspicious to me.

  16. That's some vocabulary he has. Thank goodness his daughter is not old enough to understand it. Any man that talks to a woman or anyone like that needs help in a big way. He really has some issues to work out.

  17. Unfortunately his daughter will hear all this when she is old enough and I don't think she will ever forgive him

  18. Mel Gibson is a lunatic. I feel sorry for his grown up kids from his first marriage. What an awful time for them now. He is shameless, arrogant and mean! Use to be a fan but I will never watch anything he in- every again.

  19. frightening! if she didn't have these tapes who would believe her?
    he obviously has serious mental health issues that need to be dealt with before he hurts her.....or worse.

    I would bet she has endured 3 years of this uncontrolled anger and abuse and she has been advised to tape him.

  20. Its a setup. She's a GOLD digger like he stated. NOBODY gets that mad unless she has done something terribly wrong. Creepy broad, talks like she's trying to milk him, slowly and methodically

  21. Anonymous
    There is more than just "mad". This is insanity. I also find it humorous that after listening to Mel Gibson's lunacy, its the woman that is "creepy".

    Victim blaming is disturbing.

  22. WOW! If this is for real i would like to introduce him to my daily schedule of A.A. meetings with sponsor and 12 steps. Then he can meet my Psychiatrist and after he has a talk with my sigh-kologist he can sit down with my PAROLE officer and do a little explaining about his threating ,unstable and outright wacked ranting. I am in my 4th year and this is hard to believe?

  23. For those who have asked, why she would tape these conversation? If someone was talking to me like this so would I. You never know how far a person like this could go and so to protect myself I would definitely start a trail. Why is she so calm? Because she knows that he is mentally unstable. He is mentally ill and he needs to be hospitalized and on a regimen. SMH.

  24. is my take on all of this having been in an abusive relationship in the past. First, I think it is obvious that he is outraged to the point where he has lost any self-control. That in itself is scary and a warning signal that he is in need of counseling and/or medication of some sort. I do feel that she is not the innocent victim she portrays on the tape. She knew she was taping the conversation and watched her language. I think her calm demeanor purposely served to bait and goad his bitterness towards her. It is obvious that she was a gold digger from the start, however, that gives him no excuse for the threats and crazy screaming. He doesn't even make sense with his rants. Whenever she asked him to give her specifics...he remained vague. Again, not a good sign. It signals that he is operating with an irrational thought process at the helm...and thus irrational actions/reactions result. He is a wonderful actor and has always been one of my favorites, but he does not seem to be a well-balanced human being. I feel sorry for ALL his children who are having to endure this outrage right now. I fear that without help....he is going to do something drastic. The press is having a field day and this humiliation cannot be easy for him....given what appears to be his HUGE ego. It is an awful situation and is very tragic for everyone involved. I hope his family is reaching out to him to get him the help he needs. One final thought on all of that he became a brazen adulterer for this woman. They stone people to death for this in the Arab world. Hmmm....could all of this be God's way of inflicting punishment upon his sinning soul? Karma is a bitch and what goes around truly DOES come around...HARD. Live and learn Mel. Live and learn. Good luck.

  25. It's amazing how we can hear a man (with a history of disturbing, aggressive behaviour against others) scream at a woman, admit to beating her in front of their children, threaten her with rape, shout racist and misogynistic epithets... and people still rally around him calling HER the evil, conniving one, because she had the nerve to record him doing it.

    You want to call her a golddigger? Sure. Ok. Except she has her own career and they're NOT married. She doesn't get any of his money if they split and she doesn't appear to want anything more than her daughter, so accusing her of being after his money is just idiotic and goes to show how far you are willing to go to twist facts to support a violent domestic abuser.

    She's damned if she does, damned if she doesn't. When she said Mel was abusive, everyone called her a liar. Then tapes appeared demonstrating it, and first people were concerned she had violated Mel's rights somehow by recording him without consent (because yes, punching someone's teeth out in front of a baby is a lesser crime than recording a raving maniac's abusive rant), now they're saying the tapes are faked. What does a woman have to do in this world to defend herself and her family against violent maniac? No matter what she does or how much evidence she has, people are going to call her a liar. And it's not like she's making these allegations against a lovely, saint-like figure that makes it hard to believe. She's making them against a man who is KNOWN to be an aggressive scumbag with about as much respect for women as he has for dogshit.

    Mel is an abuser, and if its because of the drugs and the drink, so be it, send him to rehab, but don't defend what he's done, and stop trying to blame his victim.

  26. Anything new and i watched his movie with goldie hawn this morning. Amazing how what he has done colors my reception of him and his acting. Very disturbing to say the least.Do the words hot potatoe bring any ideas to mind? Good luck Mel,you're gonna need it.

  27. While it's good that Mel's ex wife is coming out and supporting him, it's important to bear in mind that Mel has a huge drinking problem which seems to have got worse in recent years. People are accusing her of setting him up. Maybe it's her way of defending herself and child in case he turns up in the middle of the night and does something unthinkable. She seems quite reasonable to me. Even her ex- Timothy Dalton is coming out in her defence.

    Mel sounds like a crazy, drunken loser in ALL THE TAPES. Even I would be scared to be near him. Even if she has done something that we don't know about, it is no reason for a grown man to behave this way. She is still the mother of his child. SHOW SOME RESPECT, MEL !!!

  28. um wow seek help...yes someone can provoke anger we have all done it...this suppasses anger into lunacy...she may be after his money well thats a shocker Mel but the death threats...the abusive names...racist is all of that because she set him up? Hes clearly not of sound mind probably was drunk sounds like on drugs too...but I sat tape one call that was enough...the rest was bait to keep him nuts she should have called 911 I do agree she kept him agitated...we have all said things in the heat of anger or drunken rage this passed that...I pitty him...dissapointed...but bottom line she is in danger...and he needs serious way until he seeks treatment should he be around an infant...its sad really...he has a lot of diseases that need to be treated...hopefully he can pull himself out of the crazy as it sounds? I feel for them both...anyway,,,,

  29. he's a bully and doesn't deserve pity!Would you feel any pity if that was happening to your mother, sister, daughter etc???

    For gods sake just because he's a so called film star??

    He is a self centred, egotistical bully - end of!

  30. Ooooh bullshit!? There is NO way anyone could be as calm as this broad if they were being screamed at like that.. She's playing the "angelic victim" while she sets him up, and records Mel. Yes, he's obviously waaay off, but really... what set him off? HER.

  31. when you are with an abuser scenes like this are common and yes you stay calm because they can get 10 uglier than you ever can, you breathing can escalate their rage, years back mine threw his spagetti dinner in the garbage because the noodles were too wide and proceeded to smash every dish in the house.. Mel.. he's an abuser plain and simple get some help

  32. I think it's a pathetic shame how anyone in ANY way can even BEGIN to not focus EXCLUSIVELY on the schizo rage that is coming from Mel Gibson's crazy-ass mouth.
    Oksana is SMART and RIGHT in having recorded these vicious and dangerous-sounding tirades. In my personal opinion, he sounds so very unhinged. These tapes will be everything in proving her case and will destroy his career, and thank God for that. A man like that doesn't have the right to make a successful living. I hope he plunges into obscurity and shame for the rest of his miserable life.

  33. No questions that Mel lost control of his own devices. No questions that his tirades are laced with appalling language. Despite all we hear, it is puzzling because of what we don't hear and therefor we don't know about this ugly affair.
    Questions arise.
    What triggered his rage and rants?
    She seems to control direction of his outbursts and keeps fueling them as long as she needs to for the purpose of recording.
    How many tapes she recorded?
    When she started recording and when decided that it will be enough to portray Gibson abusive monster and render him ready for public outrage?
    Gibson left his former wife for Grigorieva.
    Why did she leave Timothy Dalton or did he leave her?
    Is she unlucky, fragile, quiet woman and mother or is it what she wants us to see and nothing else?
    There is a lot we know about Gibson and his pitfalls on and off the stage.
    We know very little about Grigorieva.

    Last but not least what is it with people like Letterman who hauls and lashes at Gibson and yet himself is full of questionable deeds.

  34. I appreciate the handy assembley of these recordings for people to study, although of course RadarOnline should never have put them out, Oksana's sister never should have sold them and Oksana never should have recorded them - especially not without Mel's permission in California, without which they aren't of any use for their stated purpose of self protection. They court can't use them. Had they gone to the police, Mel could have hada sit-down with concerned professionals in the Malibu police who might have ensured he was on his meds and not compromising them with any other substance. But I'm flabbergasted that people so often ignore that he does say "I need medigation" and "I can't be like this" and these recordings are not even reactions to Oksana AFTER the recordings got out. He was diagnised with Manic Depressive Disorder in 2002, a disease not a quirk. Alcoholism is also a disease. But the human being Mel Gibson has helped many people. Thank God a handful of people like Whoopie Goldberg are still willing to call him a friend despite unfortunate language. It's like making fun of Kirk Douglas fighting to talk after a stroke. The demonization of Mel is depraved. Jews don't run the media, apparently; JERKS run the media. How about INFORMED mental health professionals chiming in instead of bewildered news anchors and man-on-the-street morons? Oksana is truly evil.

  35. Ok. We all know she's a liar through and through. Geez, what a b*tch! Butthis we knew two months ago. So, what else is new?

    Man, these tapes are FUNNY! Mel can pull it out even when he's ragin' mad (and ragin' mad with plenty of reason to be that way!)

    Love you Mel! Can't wait for your next movies.


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