
Monday, August 16, 2010

Toronto Star Caught Editing Mayoral Candidate Rob Ford's Wikipedia Page

Blazing Cat Fur got this report of how someone at the Toronto Star altered front-running Toronto Mayoral candidate Rob Ford's wikipedia entry to include a link to a satirical blog that took rather vicious, if occasionally funny, pokes at the politician.

Ford already commented in an interview with Eye on A Crazy Planet that "the Star is not a fan" of his. You weren't kidding about that, were you, Rob?

UPDATE: 2:40 PM Aug 17 - Blazing Cat Fur has a number of updates, including that The Star is now offering the defense that the "computer is owned by a Parent company but is not owned by the Toronto Star." a higher-up at The Star's corporate parent has it in for Rob Ford? That explains a lot.

Ford's lawyer sent a Cease and Desist letter to the anonymous blogger behind the satirical, and fearing litigation, he removed the content and replaced it with an apology.

The Torontoist reports:
Oliver Ogilvie (an internet pseudonym; he wouldn't disclose his real name) owns—a self-described "low grade satire" site that mocked the eponymous city councillor and mayoral candidate. This week, Ogilvie received a cease-and-desist order from Ford's lawyers, which we've since obtained ourselves.
The letter accuses Ogilvie of trademark infringement, and then demands that he immediately remove "all material" from, and that he issue an "unqualified apology" to Ford. Ogilvie did these things (the apology is now posted on the front page of the site), but Google's cache still has a copy of's original content. (We also have a backup copy ourselves.)
Ogilvie, who describes himself as a twenty-eight year-old professional from Toronto, says the blog was his way of entertaining himself online, and also a vehicle for taking jabs at Ford, whose public persona he dislikes. "It's stupid and it's fun. And it was a joke," he said. "I'm surprised that it was taken seriously by his team in itself." 
"It's just something that I find kind of funny," he said. "I have several blogs of a similar nature," including and

The original content before it was removed can be seen here.


  1. "I'm surprised that it was taken seriously by his team in itself."

    I suggest someone set up a fake site for Jack Layton were he describes his "homosexual life". I bet the MSM will not ignore that.

  2. The person who noticed the Wiki vandalism, ES, has commented at the Sun posting about this that he contacted the Star on August 5 about this, and has been ignored. (And wondering if they'll get back to him (or her) now.)

  3. And they still haven't gotten back to me as of yet.....


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