
Saturday, August 21, 2010

You can tell Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas Prime Minister of Gaza, that he's a pig fornicator and have the Sea Hitler deliver your message

The politburo running the Canadian Union of Postal Workers are big supporters of The Sea Hitler, the boat the Canadian enablers of terror hope to use to break Israel's blockade of Gaza designed to keep out Iranian arms shipments.

As reported on the neo-Marxist website,
CUPW called on Canadians to back efforts to break the siege by sending their Gaza-bound mail via the Canadian Boat to Gaza. The Canadian Boat to Gaza is urging those who wish to break this ban to send with us postcards with messages of support to the besieged strip. Article 25 of the fourth Geneva Convention guarantees the right to personal correspondence with family members under occupation.
"As postal workers, we know very well that cutting off mail creates suffering and hardship for people, who are isolated from their loved ones," said Denis Lemelin, National President of CUPW. "How many more abuses will the people of Gaza have to endure?"
Lemelin omitted that as postal workers, they're evidently too stupid to figure out how to turn on a computer and send an email. But that's another matter.

If Syd Ryan's CUPE and the CUPW pony up $300,000 worth of union dues from the unsuspecting dupes they are supposed to be representing in labour matters unrelated to international conflicts, The Sea Hitler may sail and they can carry your message of support.

This is too good an opportunity to be missed. Send a postcard to the address below and let Ismail Haniyeh, the Hamas Prime Minister in Gaza, that he's a disgusting terrorist who becomes aroused at the site of a sow's behind. Make up your own message.
The Canadian Boat to Gaza is eager to carry mail to Gaza if the ban is not lifted soon" said Sandra Ruch, spokesperson for the Canadian Boat to Gaza. "We will make every effort to deliver any mail we get to the postal authorities in Gaza. We ask senders to limit mail they send us to unsealed postcards of greeting and support to loved ones keeping in mind that it, as well as the rest of our cargo, may end up in Israeli hands if our boat is pirated."
While Sandra Ruch may lack the intelligence to comprehend the meaning of words she uses, like "pirated", her point is well taken. Send your message of support. preferably in Arabic or Hebrew, to this address. I'm sure it will be appreciated:

Canadian Boat to Gaza

C.P. 92087, Portobello
Brossard, Quebec
J4W 3K8

MORE: See Blazing Cat Fur's artistic rendition of The Sea Hitler's journey on a stamp.


  1. This is too good an opportunity to be missed. Send a postcard to the Isreali Embassy and let Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister in Isreali, that he's a disgusting terrorist who becomes aroused at the site of a sow's behind. Make up your own message.

    Fair iss fair, no?

  2. Perhaps you should consider sending that message in your native language, since your fluency in English is somewhat deficient.

  3. Too good i'm desperate search of haniyeh's official address well he does't operate from the sea isn't he well any one of you have his address i wanna send some good well wishes. Does any one of you have?


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