
Thursday, November 18, 2010

Marxist/Islamo-fascist alliance to attempt to disrupt the Blair-Hitchens debate

Canada's supporters of terror are upset that Saddam Hussein is no longer in power in Iraq, murdering Kurds by the tens of thousands, having prisons being used as sex-slave dungeons for his friends and private army, playing cat and mouse with the US and British Air Forces in the no-fly zone, and trying to acquire more and more dangerous means of posing a threat to the world.

These people support terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah and want to enact policies that would give the Taliban a free rein to repress women in Afghanistan while hiding behind deceptive names like "Toronto Coalition to Stop the War." Their idea of "stopping the war" apparently is a combination of surrender to al Qaida and launching missiles at Israeli civilians.

And they're really, really mad at Tony Blair because he's one of the guys responsible for there being one less bastion of terrorism in the world in Iraq. So they plan to protest his appearance at the Munk Debate in Toronto next week where Blair will be debating Christopher Hitchens on the resolution "religion is a force for good in the world".

Some of them think they might get close enough to actually lay hands on Blair to make a citizen's arrest for "war crimes." According to their facebook group, they even consider Hitchens an accessory to "war crimes" for "humanizing" the Iraq war.

Psychiatric assessments aside, these people are not only deluded but potentially dangerous, and I hope security is tight at the event.

It's too bad things have come to this, but there are a lot of nuts in the world.

Featured comment from reader Hortensio: "A debate between Hitchens and Blair must be particularly insulting to them, seeing the anti-Galloway and the toppler of Saddam sharing the same stage. Hitchens once said of this sort of faux pacifist that they aren't anti-war, but pro-war for the other side. They probably haven't got over the stinging accuracy of that comment yet."

UPDATE: "Toronto Coalition to Stop the War" isn't a very accurate description of James Clark's supporters of anti-western terrorists and warmongers. Feel free to post your suggestions for a better name in the comments section.

"Coalition to stop the war unless it kills Canadians, Americans, Brits and Jews"  is more accurate but less catchy. Let's see what we can come up with.


  1. A debate between Hitchens and Blair must be particularly insulting to them, seeing the anti-Galloway and the toppler of Saddam sharing the same stage. Hitchens once said of this sort of faux pacifist that they aren't anti-war, but pro-war for the other side. They probably haven't got over the stinging accuracy of that comment yet.

  2. I think one of the reasons they have a soft spot for Saddam is because he modelled himself after Stalin - from his lethal silencing of internal dissent to his playing one ethnic group against another, all the way down to the moustache.

  3. Our friend Blazing Cat Fur suggests "Ahmadinejad's Arse Lickers"

  4. Here's one: The Toronto Terror Coalition

  5. The author of this blog post screams "i'm bias."

    Try supporting claims with facts. People who oppose the war... must love terrorism? You're not even trying to understand the real issues. Do you believe every war is justified?

    Sometimes you have to realize that intelligent people who did not support the war (most western nations and their leaders) do not support terrorism.

    Don't you stop to think about those things? I guess it's easier to just believe what you want.

  6. Anon at 4:19, do you have any idea what would happen to the women of Afghanistan if NATO pulled out before that country is stabilized? If you don't, you might want to look up what the Taliban did prior to the invasiion and continued to do in areas under their control.

    Are you aware of what Saddam Hussein did to the Kurds and others in Iraq, by the thousands upon thousands. Are you suggesting the world was better off with him not being removed.

    The notion of Tony Blair as a "war criminal" is as asinine as it is false. And where is the "Toronto Coalition to Stop the war" when it comes to the terrorism of Hamas and Hezbollah? Oh, that's right, some of that coalition actually do support those terror groups. And James Clark, the leader of that group, attends parties to celebrate the Khomenei revolution in Iran. You know, the wonderful revolution that stones women to death for "adultery."

    No, not all wars are justified. There is no justification for the Darfur genocide that Sudan is perpetrating against its non-Arab citizens in that civil war. I haven't been able to find a single mention of that atrocity or any campaign against it from the "Toronto Coalition to Stop the War".

    And you wonder why people consider you terror-supporting idiots?


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