
Monday, August 15, 2011

Help Lush Cosmetics ruin the Canadian economy and vilify Israel

In another example of loony radicals biting the hand that feeds it, British cosmetic manufacturer and retailer, Lush, which has branches all over the world, including Canada, wants to hurt Canada's economy with its campaign to stop the Alberta Tar Sands development.

As Ezra Levant's book Ethical Oil outlines, the Alberta Tar sands is one of the most ethical producers of fossil fuel in the world. Despite the pretense to "ethics" by Lush, they have no problem operating a branch in Saudi Arabia, where oil revenues have been used to finance international terrorism and the oppression of women.

Lush is also involved in a dishonest, fanatical campaign to vilify the only liberal democracy in the middle east, while pocketing money from repressive states, including one that killed more people who were part of an ethnic independence movement in one year than the total number of Palestinian fatalities since Israel conquered the West Bank and Gaza in 1967.

Hypocrisy is an expected facet of these types of fanatics, but Canadians should know better than to finance their destructive campaigns.

There are Lush stores across Canada, including Alberta, a province whose economy they are trying to devastate. Canadians would do well to buy their cosmetics elsewhere.

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