
Friday, August 19, 2011

Today's installment of Your Tax Dollars Hard at Work: Summer Camp for Canada's Communist Revolutionaries

Alternatives International, the odious anti-Capitalist organization whose board includes union thug and former vice president of the anti-Semitic Canadian Arab Federation, Ali Mallah, is having a summer camp this month. Alternatives' recent notoriety emerged from its being an organizer of the Sea Hitler boat to Gaza.

Will there be marshmallow roasts, canoe trips and games of capture the flag? No to the former two, and maybe yes to the last, but only if the flag captured is the flag of a democracy which is to be replaced with the Hammer and Sickle.

"Since 1994, the Alternatives' Days have been an annual weekend of activities related to current social, economic, political and environmental concerns. Once again, a unique program is being offered this year under the theme of Revolutions Confronting Neo-Liberalism. This theme refers to the Arab Spring and illustrates new developments in global resistance to neoliberalism. Discussions will aim to define strategies and the role that social movements - movements that strive for social justice and ecological alternatives to unsustainable development - in Canada have to play in this struggle.

Throughout the weekend, activists and artists from within and outside Quebec, as well as international partners, official guests and members of Alternatives will come together to share analyses, reflections and good will."

The "good will" of which they speak is more likely to be directed at the Castro regime in Cuba, Chavez in Venezuela, or Ahmadinejad in Iran than to any of us in Canada.  Neo-Liberalism, for those unaware, is how communists refer to the economic and political system in democracies like Canada and the USA. So those Revolutions Confronting Neo-Liberalism these people are talking about would be aimed at overthrowing our system of government.

You might think that sounds pretty stupid, but not nearly as stupid as our government subsidizing an event that promotes the end of western democracy as we know it.

Last month, Citizenship and Immigration Minister Jason Kenney said that Alternatives federal funding related to their Mideast activities had been cancelled. But that group still received almost $1.3 million dollars in federal funds from your taxes last year, and it is safe to assume some of those funds are going to events such as its communist revolutionary retreat.

This is one of the most idiotic recent uses of tax funds (and there is a lot of stiff competition in that arena). Let Jason Kenney know how you feel about the Canadian government helping to fund those that seek the destruction of western capitalism and democracy by sending him an email.

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