
Monday, September 12, 2011

Anti-Christian, Anti-Jewish bias surfaces at "progressive" Walrus Magazine

To understand the editorial slant at Walrus Magazine, it would be appropriate to remember that Marci McDonald's anti-Christian screed, The Armageddon Factor: The Rise of Christian Nationalism in Canada, was a drawn out version of an article making the same arguments that she wrote for that "progressive" Canadian monthly.

The basic premise of McDonald's much discussed commercial flop was that the Conservative government was driven by a fundamentalist vision of Christianity that believed in an "End Times" scenario. McDonald accounted for Conservative support for Israel was motivated by a urge to hasten the Apocalypse. There was no actual evidence to support McDonald's profoundly ridiculous contentions which singled out Christian and Jewish influence in government as being secretly motivated by religious fanaticism or Zionist fervour, whereas members of any other religious groups got a free pass.

The possibility that Conservatives who happen to be Christian were influenced by their faith's principles of charity, honesty and justice was evidently outside the scope of McDonald's thinking. Similarly, that support for Israel could be due to its shared values with Canada, such as democracy, free speech, an independent judiciary and equality before the law, and that it is in conflict with some of the most repressive, violent, anti-democratic countries in the world, was not something that could permeate McDonald's brain. In her obsessive bias, it could only be more evidence of a sinister conspiracy between Christian fundamentalists and Zionists.

Now, Walrus has clutched on to McDonald's vacuous argument in a way that suits it best, as a comic strip. In this case, one that is filled with anti-Semitic imagery and political bigotry against Christian belief.

The comic projects that Prime Minister Stephen Harper's opposition to the unilateral declaration of Palestinian statehood is part of his scheme to bring about Armageddon and The Rapture.

The fact that Harper has not made any statements as a political leader that suggest he has any such beliefs are irrelevant. This anti-Christian narrative is one that the radical Left in Canada has forcefully incorporated into their way of thinking, immaterial of the overwhelming body of evidence that contradicts it.

But why should that be any surprise? These are the same sort of fanatics who continue to embrace Marxist-influenced socialism after that discredited ideology contributed to the murder of 100 million people by Communist Russia, Mao, China, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Castro's Cuba,  Kim's North Korea, et cetera.

The people at Walrus evidently have a hard time learning.

You can see the comic here at Honest Reporting Canada

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