
Friday, July 20, 2012

Keep terrorist vermin Omar Khadr away from Canada as long as possible!

Ezra Levant has posted documents about unrepentant convicted terrorist and murderer Omar Khadr that were kept from the Canadian government when they agreed to the deal to allow him to apply to serve the last 7 years of his prison sentence in Canada.

They including a lengthy, detailed report from psychiatrist Michael Welner, who interviewed Khadr for eight hours and spent hundreds of hours speaking to people involved in his case. The reports show Khadr is an ongoing menace and threat to Canad's public safely.

Email Public Safety Minister Vic Toews to support his decision to delay Khadr's re-entry into Canada until our security concerns are satisfied and cc Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Khadr Report - 5 Jul 10

h/t BCF

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