
Monday, November 19, 2012

Another reason Canada is the best country in the world in which to live

We get to keep our Twinkies!!

Twinkie and Wonder Bread lovers in the U.S. can still head north of the border to stock up on the baked goods even with the bankruptcy of Hostess Brands Inc.    
Saputo Inc. (SAP), Canada’s largest dairy processor, has the trademark and brand rights to Hostess CupCakes and Hostess Twinkies in the country and manufactures the products themselves, said Sandy Vassiadis, a spokeswoman for the company.    
“It’s totally separate,” she said, in an interview from Saputo’s headquarters near Montreal. “We own the rights in Canada so what’s happening in the U.S. doesn’t affect us.” 
The same holds true for Wonder Bread....


  1. Deborah Leigh said...Whoa, whoa, whoa! Best country in the world? Now, Canada is a great place, but....well, we'll just have to agree to disagree.

    At least we don't have to learn a new language to order Twinkies. Do we?

  2. Only if you order them from Quebec - English will be fine for the rest of the country



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