
Monday, November 26, 2012

Toronto Mayor to be removed from office - let's reelect him!

Because of a minor conflict of interest grievance that went to courts, a judge has ordered that Toronto Mayor Rob Ford be removed from office.

The twist is that he can run again and a new mayoral by-election may be called.

The ruling doesn't go into effect for 14 days. Deputy Mayor Doug Holyday will take over the mayor's duties at that point until a decision is reached by Council on how to proceed.

I say, let's have another election and see what happens.

Ford has been the only mayor to reduce the City's spending in its history. He's kept tax increases to a minimum and all without any noticeable service reductions.

Ford has also driven useless socialist nitwits to cower with embarrassment, and that alone is reason to put him back into office.

UPDATE: wording of judge's ruling makes it unclear whether Ford can run again until the current mayoral term ends in 2014.

UPDATE 2: Ford to appeal judge's ruling


  1. Olivia Chow will run against him. Every other word out of her mouth will be "Jack." CBC and the Star will remind everyone how wonderful Jack Layton was and how he would have wanted it this way. You know, Jack Layton, the greatest and most loved politician in the history of Canada. At least according to the CBC.

  2. If there's another election and Rob Ford can't run, there may be some big surprises. Doug Ford may go for it, and it would drive the Toronto Star batty if he won (which probably would happen).

    If Olivia runs, it could be a win-win- she would have to resign her seat as an MP and she likely would be defeated in the municipal election.

  3. Yet as Sun News pointed out, the Mayor of London (Ontario) and former Liberal MP, Joe Fontana, has now been criminally charged and he gets to keep his seat. Hm.

  4. Ford should run again but people would be insane to vote for him - this one is the last straw I think:


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