
Sunday, January 6, 2013

The CBC exposes Chief Spence's ineptitude and dodgy dealings at Attawapiskat

Almost exactly a year ago, the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation did a scathing expose of Chief Theresa Spence's incompetent leadership and dodgy dealings at Attawapiskat. Now that she has become an icon of the anti-Harper left, the CBC has suddenly become her biggest cheerleader.

Sun TV's Ezra Levant has brought to light more of the hypocrisy and shameful, self-serving goings-on by the Attawapiskat band leadership. And at the blog GenuineWitty, the curious and hypocritical nature of the band's investment portfolio is discussed.

All this seems to suggest that the "Idle No More" protests are based on an agenda driven less by serious concerns than by a media and a neo-Marxist political agenda.  Levant has recently publicized racist aspects of Canada's Indian Act that prohibit individual property ownership and allow communal or authoritarian Native band leaders to impose rulings that would not hold up in any non-native court. These laws make First Nations reserves resemble communist dictatorships more than communities in a western democracy.

UPDATE: Jonathan Kay at the National Post summarizes what's wrong with the picture above


  1. Hmmmm, something the CBC Ombudsman should probably hear about.

  2. Those are some sweetass glasses she has.

  3. whose got a link to the CBC coverage

  4. The cbc ombudsman's purpose is to run interference for the cbc. He does not have the public's interest at heart.

  5. He he, what a difference a year makes. CBC's hate Harper agenda could not find fault in government 3rd party control a year ago, but they do now. CBC must have a new news editor fresh from commie martyrs university.

  6. LOL, what a difference a day makes. On the same day Paul Martin Called Spence a national hero someone leaked an audit to CBC Pravda backing up what everyone has been saying all along.

    They were forced to eat crown and publish the above article.

  7. No one is mentioning these facts - The government-appointed auditors also found that poor housing conditions were not flagged by federal authorities, despite inspections by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation.

    They also concluded that large sums of core housing funds were improperly diverted to pay interest charges with the full knowledge of the department of Indian Affairs.

  8. No one should think the government minister, his office and responsible segments of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada are clean in this one. Every federal agency, including CRA, CBSA, DOTC, and the RCMP are not and have not been able to do their jobs for years, including meeting their mandate externally and internally. This is a problem for the government how do they do anything constructive without blowback. Careers are on the line ande needs to be sacrificial llambs.

  9. Does not excuse the corruption from Spence. The woman Paul Martin calls a Canadian hero:

  10. Good work, for spreading news of this (non-)hunger striker's bizarre behaviour.
    Our expat blog is keeping overseas Canadians, and many others, up-dated on the nonsense.

  11. It's rime the real truth came out that the Indian stole all the land from the Vikings who settled here 5000 years earlier then they did.Go educate your selves at the museum of civilization it is all documented there.


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