
Saturday, March 2, 2013

This is sad - a minor "D-list" actress is imploding her career via Twitter

It started when an actress/singer no one ever heard of named Hayley Knight took issue with Fox News personality Steven Crowder's article where he brags about his wife's beauty.

Apparently interpreting it as some sort of shallow statement on looks, Ms. Knight responded with a profane insult:

As hard as it may be to believe, things rapidly took a turn downward from there, with Knight's tweets taking on an anti-Semitic tone (Crowder is not Jewish):
and then it got worse...

And then it became irredeemable

The dialogue is still going on, and if you're interested, you can watch Ms Knight's hope for a future in Hollywood crumble before your eyes. 

UPDATE: And now, to put the final nail in the coffin, Hayley thought it would be a good idea to compare Oprah Winfrey to Hitler:


  1. Are you sure that's actually her? It seems so off-the-wall that it's as if someone out to knock her down a peg created a false account, or maybe hacked her?!

  2. Couldn't say with absolute certainty, but based on tweets going back a couple of weeks, the Crowder exchange doesn't strike me as being inconsistent in tone with some of her other comments.

  3. Social media is like a loaded gun. It's a useful and enjoyable tool in the right hands.

    But it also gives idiots the opportunity to blow their foot off.

  4. It's a useful and enjoyable tool in the right hands.

    But it also gives idiots the opportunity to blow their foot off.

    which sort of illustrates how they are useful and enjoyable...

  5. She is probably trying to angle for a reality show gig. Like the nut job in Colorado who was the father of balloon boy.


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