
Friday, March 8, 2013

Toronto Mayor Ford wasted and Sarah "Sore Loser" Thomson's sour grapes

Toronto Mayor Rob Ford has a bit of a history of getting wasted.

Frankly, as long as he keeps taxes down and stands up to the corrupt, predatory unions that pushed Toronto to the brink of bankruptcy during the reign of Blond Prince Miller, he could be puffing away on a giant spliff during City Council meetings for all I care.

Normally, fellow politicians don't go around exposing each others' behavior at parties where imbibing can get out of hand.

Now, whether someone who has never been elected to public office like failed Hamilton municipal council candidate,  failed mayoral candidate and failed Liberal provincial legislative candidate Sarah Thomson counts as a 'politician' is debatable.

Having seen her at a debate in an intimate setting during the last provincial election, and her conduct during the last mayoral race, while impressing me as personable, her sense of entitlement was off the scales.

Despite having her own magazine with which to promote herself, Thomson had to drop from the race that Ford went on to win because she was unable to garner any significant support.

But Hell hath no fury...

Last night at a party for the Canadian Jewish Political Affairs Committee, it seems our mayor hit the bar a time too many..and got stupid.

And Sarah Thomson posed with him, with a big smiley face while Ford was in his state, acting, as she does, personable.

Then today, she posted a picture to her facebook account with Ford at his worst and revealed her scorn and the hypocrisy of her smile.

Thompson wrote:
Thought it was a friendly hello to Toronto Mayor Rob Ford at the CJPAC Action Party tonight until he suggested I should have been in Florida with him last week because his wife wasn't there. Seriously wanted to punch him in the face. Happy International Women's Day!
Thomson approached him rather than the reverse. And that's a bit odd, given that Thomson has dispensed more public insults to Ford than I can keep track of.

The likelihood that Thomson saw Ford at a low point and went over to exploit it, and get some desperately wanted attention for herself isn't possible, is it?

No matter how bad Ford looks, one thing that seems clear is that Thomson will never be elected to a position of authority in Toronto. Ford may be a buffoon on occasion, but at least he's not a weasel.

UPDATE: Robyn Doolittle at the Toronto Star is reporting via twitter that Richmond Hill Councillor Perrelli says Thomson approached him and disclosed her plan to approach Ford and "set him up."

It sounds from Doolittle's feed that Thomson is accused by someone who was at the scene and spoke to her in advance of the incident of being a contriving liar.

UPDATE 2: Rob Ford responds - categorically denies allegations and accuses Thomson of lying about the incident 

UPDATE 3: Two Richmond Hill City Councillors say Thomson told them in advance she was planning on "setting up" Rob Ford

1 comment:

  1. Let's see here: on the one hand Rob Ford has a history of being a drunken boor and then lying about it (remember that episode at the Leafs game a few years ago?) Thomson, meanwhile, is barking mad (ask any Liberal who worked on her provincial election campaign - the party was hoping she'd lose by the end of it). Who to believe? Can we just draft John Tory allready?


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