
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Your tax dollars paying for CBC anti-Israel bias

The CBC's Neil MacDonald doesn't like Israel.

He has every right to his opinion.

But the tax-funded Canadian Broadcast Corporation employs the least talented of the MacDonald brothers as a journalist, not as a pundit to pontificate about his inane biases against the middle east's only liberal democracy.

However that is what he has done time and time again.

As in the past, MacDonald has troubled himself to inject his detestation for Israel in a report that has absolutely nothing to do with the Jewish state titled: How to tell a slap on the ass from rape.

Perhaps, like other gauche CBC "journalists" more interested in reporting their opinions than the news, he is jockeying for a new job at al Jazeera.

But what MacDonald is currently doing has no business being paid for out of Canadian taxes.

You can contact CBC Editor-in-Chief Jennifer McGuire at Jennifer.McGuire@CBC.CA  and let her know how you feel about your public funds paying for MacDonald's personal smear campaign.

Honest Reporting Canada has the details:
In an analysis piece published on the CBC’s website on June 6,Macdonald included the following irrelevant smear against Israel and Canadian support for the Jewish state (emphasis added): “In Canada, do Stephen Harper and his most partisan supporters actually think, down deep, that Israel may actually bear some of the blame for its troubles with the Palestinians?”  
Apart from being gratuitous, this question disguised personal opinion as news by phrasing declarative statements into questions.  
There is no evidence to substantiate claims that Canada’s Prime Minister and his “most partisan supporters” deep down assign blame to Israel for the impasses and quarrels with the Palestinians, but MacDonald has no problem raising this question that serves to malign Israel, Canadian support for the Jewish state, and which exonerates Palestinian transgressions and elevates the Palestinian cause. 
But wait, aren’t CBC journalists tasked to be politically neutral and to embargo their personal views in their professional work? Macdonald’s apparent preoccupation with Israel seems to be the exception to the rule allowing him to use CBC resources to attack Israel, time and again.

More at Honest Reporting Canada 


  1. Good! I want my tax dollars used towards educating the people of Canada, such as yourself as to the conditions created by Israel. Israel is an Apartheid-State and a rogue nation. It refuses to sign the non-proliferation treaty and continues to manufacture weapons of mass destruction such as nuclear and chemical weapons. Israel is a state of war criminals and the ignorant people who turn a blind eye to the crimes of their nation.

    The international hypocrisy on the issue of Israel is shocking and disgusting. The hypocrisy and idiocy of psuedo-educated individuals such as yourself is much the same.

    People like you have set Canada back 100 years. Conservative politics is a cancer on this nation that threatens its very existence and form.

    Canada has never been more polarized than it is now and a time will come when the populist, liberal and free beliefs of Canadians will dispatch the hate and bias served by the Cons indefinitely.

    Some day there will be a Parliamentary inquiry and a tribunal to assess the crimes committed by the Cons and justice will be served. Good thing Harper is building all those prisons! We'll need them..

  2. It's nice to see that mentally ill people, like the anonymous commenter above, have something to do to keep themselves busy. But a little too busy apparently, since that one obviously forgot to take some medication.

  3. I have to agree with you Richard.


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