
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Another anti-Israel boycott fail - groups rally against terror supporters in deceptively-named "Canadians For Peace and Justice in the Middle East"

Israel supporters buying Sodastream products
at Canadian Tire
They call themselves Canadians for Peace and Justice in the Middle East. But they sponsor speakers who advocate for violence and terrorism and who lie about the way Palestinian children are indoctrinated to hate Jews and are incited to murder them.

So much for peace and justice. Frankly, I'm not even sure how many of them are actually Canadians.

Like so many of the pathetic anti-Israel boycotts, the latest attempt by CPJME had the reverse effect and was a catalyst for supporters of Israel to come out and buy the products the haters targeted.

People like Wayne Gretzky's uncle Al and Tahir Gora of the Progressive Muslim Institute Canada were among the many who came out to counter the few sad, reprobate failures that the anti-Israel collection was able to muster in Hamilton this weekend. 

1 comment:

  1. Dear EOACP,

    Thanks so much for covering the Israel Truth Vigil in defence of Sodastream, the truth and real justice (not the imaginary kind where Jews are targeted for hate and death).

    Mark Vandermaas, Founder
    Israel Truth Week


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