
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Something must be happening when even an Al Jazeera host gets behind a pro-Israel meme

In perhaps a sign more people in the Arab and Muslim world are seeing the world’s double standards when it comes to Israel, Al Jazeera TV host, Dr. Faisal Al-Qassem, posted this pro-Israel meme on his Facebook page yesterday...


  1. I wonder how many western new agencies will show this picture.

  2. There are several problems with this picture. For Starters those are two rather different situations. Homs was shelled by the Regime of the country it is in, Gaza was bombed by a foreign regime. Second, rallies against the Syrian Regime were held all over the world. In one such protest here in my city, many of the people who were present were the same people who were present at the protest against the bombing of Gaza. Third, Homs has no access to the Sea, therefore there could be no flotillas. Four, Gaza has been under siege for a decade and was under occupation decades before then. Homs was under siege for 3 years. I really don't see the "double standard". And are we Pro-Peace Activists holding Israel to a double standard when we say that it is wrong to kill thousands of people with precision guided missiles, jet aircraft, naval bombardment and artillery, while all Gaza's political militias kill three people with unreliable, unguided, homemade rockets that hurt the people shooting them more often than they hurt the people they are being shot at? That is not a double standard. And I know all of this stuff because I have been studying this for the last two years, using a variety of sources that are pro-Israel, Pro-Palestine and also impartial. I stand on facts, you call us Anti-Semites and say we have double standards, when neither of those things are true.

  3. Well Brendan, you might want to start by looking up what the word "siege" means. Israel allows tons of food every day into Gaza and its population is one of the most obese on earth Gazans are the world's largest per capita aid recipients, with Israel's full cooperation.

    Considering that and the idea that Gaza's government can lob missiles into Israel with impunity when no other country on earth would stand for it indeed suggests a double standard. The obsession of people like you to single out Israel, if it isn't based on Jew hate, suggests some other deep rooted issue you may have, but it sure isn't based on truth or justice.


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