
Friday, March 14, 2014

Cognitively-challenged TDSB Trustee Howard Kaplan makes an incoherent attempt to defend exposing children to depravity

I'm giving some serious thought to running as for the Toronto District School Board in the upcoming election. I don't really want the job, but the system is so badly broken and is filled with incompetent fools like Howard Kaplan that something needs to be done.


  1. Seriously could this guy be more Moon-Struck !
    It would remain simply cray-cray ( craziness to a whole other level } if this moon-bat was not making decision about our children’s education !
    His level of debate is an example of arrested development , the result of receiving a ribbon/trophy for just showing up !

  2. Mr. Kaplan clearly sees himself as an expert at rearing children which is probably why he desired to be on the school board.

  3. Go for it. This guy kinda seems... creepy.

  4. SO the Deputy Minister of Education is charged with making and distributing child pornography, after pushing a curriculum that taught homosexual acts as normal and the Chairman of Toronto District School Board is a Gay rights activist.
    And we are homophobes to bring this to parents' attention?

  5. who is your current trustee?

  6. Do you need anyone to work on your campaign?

  7. If I do run, Brian, then yes, I most certainly will.

    I'm still undecided but am leaning towards running - I most likely won't make up my mind about it until April or May. The incumbent in my ward is Shelley Laskin, who isn't the worst of the current bad crop, but has been doing the job for a while and neither has she done much that I can think of to make the situation any better.

  8. Good grief! Mr. Kaplan's ability to argue a point is laughably inadequate - and quite disturbing.


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