
Monday, March 17, 2014

University of Windsor students decide no representation is better than the inept boobs they had before

As of May 1, the University of Windsor Students’ Alliance will be without an executive or board of directors after students voted down uncontested candidates running for the positions in the general election Friday.

“I’m still in shock,” said UWSA president Rob Crawford about the election results Saturday. “I’m not quite sure what this means for the future of the UWSA.”

The majority of students voted ‘No’ or ‘None of the above’ for every single executive and board of director position, said Crawford....

... "The None of the Above campaign popped up on Facebook not even a week ago, but it clearly gained a lot of momentum,” said Crawford. “I think the students are sending a message to the UWSA that they’re not happy.”
Gee, ya' think???  No wonder the student body thought an empty chair was better than that genius.

h/t Blazing Cat Fur

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Crawford must have been up all night to have come up with that profound and insightful conclusion.

    What a buffoon!


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