
Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Audit finds issues with fishy Toronto trustee expenses

I'm still thinking about running for the TDSB in October's election - with only a handful of exceptions, the current batch are a deplorable lot:
Toronto trustees like to have their say in the boardroom, but they do a lot of talking outside of it as well — racking up thousands of dollars worth of calls to and from the Virgin Islands, Panama, Cuba, Greece and Mexico.
A detailed internal audit of Toronto District School Board trustees found numerous examples when they were, mostly without question, reimbursed for unauthorized or dubious expenses, including conference costs six days after the end of a three-day conference, $100 for alcohol and a $250 parking violation — issued for either blocking a fire route or a fire hydrant.
Trustee John Hastings, chair of the audit committee, said he could not explain the claims...


  1. If you're going to run you should decide soon.... name recognition is everything in school board elections and you'd probably want to hit every house

  2. I'll decide before the end of the summer. To be honest, running for public office at the municipal level has never been one of my ambitions and I have other projects I'm working on that are more interesting.

    But news like this, which keeps pouring out of the TDSB, reminds me that someone has to step in and try to help fix the massive disaster going on there.

  3. Interesting. Wonder what excuses your buddy John Furr will have for this one.


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