
Saturday, May 17, 2014

An Ontario NDPer bitches about infighting among the political left

There isn't a lot I have in common with the NDP blogger who wrote the piece (lined below) about the NDP's recent election strategies, as far as views about the role of government go . Although we do share some opinions regarding at least one of Ontario's recent Progressive Conservative Party leaders. I was never a fan of Mike Harris, who cynically exploited rural versus urban needs for political advantage and merely shifted tax responsibilities from the province to the cities. Harris the perception of cutting costs while in reality doing nothing to help the province's taxpayers.

Nor am I wildly enthusiastic about current PC leader Tim Hudak. But it's also too soon to predict exactly what kind of a Premier he would make if he wins Ontario's provincial election in June. And unlike our Dipper friend, I believe given the options, Hudak is the best choice out of a poor pool.  The NDP blogger does seem to have a valid point about how the NDP's efforts to cut into Liberal territory has damaged both those parties while providing a swath of opportunity to the Conservatives.

Which as far as I'm concerned is a good thing.
I’ve been wrestling with how to vote for a while now. Ever since St Jack screwed Canada so royally.
We had a negotiated national child care program, a Kelowna Accord. We lost both of those so Layton and the NDP could stroke their egos by denouncing their true enemy. No, no the Conservatives, but the Liberals.
I’ve been involved in politics for a lot of years. I began formally working for the NDP as a teen. I learned early on that the real enemy was those fickle Liberals. As Smokey Thomas pronounced at the start of this election campaign ‘at least we know what the Conservatives stand for’.


  1. Shifting tax responsibilities from provinces to cities (or country to province, as Paul Martin did) is a good idea.

    Local is better.

  2. Not the kind Harris transferred.

    He transferred responsibility for welfare to the cities. The cities have no control over how many refugees or people from other parts of the province or country turn up, and it's become an unmanageable burden. And to supposedly "offset" that Harris had the province assume responsibility for Education, which has been an unmitigated disaster.

    I could go on about what an ass Harris was with his undemocratic imposition of municipal amalgamation on Toronto despite a referendum which overwhelmingly opposed it. And yes, Walkerton did happen on his watch and it probably wasn't just a coincidence. He ran a government that was more concerned about being seen to cut costs than actually serving the best interests of the province or even cutting costs to the taxpayers.

    He may have been a fairly successful politician, but as a leader, he wasn't much to speak of.

  3. Well, he does bring up a good point on Saint Jack Layton. Jack traded real power in a minority government for the prestige of being the official opposition. And it is clear he helped Harper by ganging up on Iggy with Harper.

    In Ontario though you are right. It is for the better to have Hudak. In some ways I do hope for another Liberal minority. Another lost election should cost Hudak the leadership. The PCs need a leader who can get them a majority. A majority is needed to do the kind of house cleaning this province needs.

  4. Timmy's well on his way to committing suicide. Again.

    That stupid Million Jobs Plan of his is a hysterical mess that opens him up to all manner of demagogic, and highly effective, attack ads and debate offensives.

    Shit, it's almost as if Tim is daring people to vote for him.

    And even if the province goes nuts and gives the PCs a minority, Hudak's platform gives the Grits and Dippers the perfect predicate for a coalition to block it.


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