
Friday, July 25, 2014

No media bias here at all: anti-Ford protesters booed at Ford Fest, so CTV characterizes it as homophobia

Here's a shock. Ford Fest is the annual gathering where legions of Rob Ford's supporters come out to party with Toronto's most popular municipal politician. But it's no news that Ford has plenty of detractors too, and a handful of these bitter characters with nothing better going on in their lives decided to crash Ford Fest to heckle the Mayor. Today, some of those Ford-haters presented themselves as being from the LGBT community, and they came carrying insulting placards and shouting abuse at Ford.

It would seem pretty natural and predictable that party-poopers who turn up to crap on other people's fun would get booed and insulted. But Toronto's mainstream media has a hate-on for Rob Ford, so with glaring, unprofessional bias, CTV characterized the exchange between Ford's fans and foes as if it were an unprovoked outburst of homophobia from 'Ford Nation.'

"'Go home': LGBTQ members greeted by angry shouts at Ford Fest," screamed out the CTV headline.

Mitch Wolfe & friends at Ford Fest
Ford has been viciously depicted as a bigot in the media, but as local writer Mitch Wolfe observed, Ford's supporters at this year's Ford Fest, as has been the case in years past, were overwhelmingly comprised of people from Toronto's multi-racial, multi-ethnic communities.

That monkey wrench in the media narrative has Toronto's latte-sucking pseudo-intellectuals in a tizzy. There's a panic going on among the elites in our city now that despite his travails,  Ford is back on the scene, beating his rivals in debates and polling evenly with the other two top contenders.

Get ready for plenty of media histrionics about Ford in the weeks and months to come before the October municipal election.

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