
Thursday, September 25, 2014

Simon Houpt: Ezra Levant’s ‘slut’ comment may have been juvenile, but Trudeau’s response is wrong

Ezra Levant is a clown who loves nothing more than being in the middle of his own three-ring circus. But that doesn’t mean we should let a politician try to silence him and his colleagues.
On Tuesday, Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau pouted that he would “not engage” with any outlet belonging to Sun Media, after Levant aired a five-minute segment on his Sun News TV show The Source gleefully mocking the sex lives of Trudeau’s parents. The loose news peg for Levant’s rant, which ran more than a week ago, was a photograph of Trudeau kissing the cheek of a bride whose wedding party he apparently ran into during the recent Ontario Liberal Party annual general meeting, held at a hotel and conference centre in Markham.

1 comment:

  1. Isn't Teenage Jesus just taking a page out of the Ford family playbook? How is that a problem?


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