
Monday, December 15, 2014

Conservative Muslim student at U of Michigan becomes hate crime victim

A Muslim student at the University of Michigan who holds conservative and libertarian beliefs has been viciously attacked with vandalism left on his apartment door that called him a “dick” and “scum,” told him to “shut the fuck up,” and included an image of the devil as well as eggs and hot dogs. 
The vandalism posted on junior Omar Mahmood’s apartment door stated “you scum embarrass us,” “you self-righteous dick,” “you have no soul,” “everyone hates you you violent prick,” and other messages. 
Some of the warnings were posted on paper that included a print out of Mahmood’s satirical essay he wrote recently for the conservative campus publication the Michigan Review that poked fun of liberals’ victimhood mentality. That column, titled “Do the Left Thing,” caused an uproar among some on campus and triggered his termination as a columnist from the mainstream Michigan Daily student newspaper...


Do the Left Thing  
It was one of the coldest days of this winter past, and I was hurrying along the Diag to class. The blistering cold did not turn my eyes from all the white privilege falling around my. All those white snowflakes falling thick upon the autumn leaves, burying their colors. Majoring in womyn’s studies, I’ve learned that oppression comes in many forms. 
Sometimes we fail to notice it because it’s just everywhere – just like that white snow.
As I walked, I slipped on a patch of wet leaves lining the steps of the Hatcher, and I fell forward headfirst onto the steps of the library. If it hadn’t been for the left hand that I thrust out right before my fall, I would have ended up just another statistic in the war on colored people. As it were, a white cis-gendered hetero upper-class man came down the steps just as I was falling. He looked at me with that white man’s burden face that I see too often on this racialized campus.
“Cold, isn’t it?” 
Behind his words I sensed a patronizing sneer, as if he expected me to be a spokespersyn for my whole race. He offered his hand to help me up, and I thought to myself how this might be a manifestation of the patriarchy patronizing me. I doubt he would’ve said those violent words had I been white, but he would take any opportunity to patronize a colored m@n or womyn. People on this campus always box others in based on race.  Triggered, I waved his hand aside and got up of my own accord...

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