
Monday, June 6, 2011

NDP Clown Show continues: British Columbia MP Alex Atamanenko goes off the reservation and endorses Sea Hitler

When the NDP's most radical MP, Libby Davies challenged Israel's right to exist and endorsed a boycott of the middle east's sole democracy a year ago, she was immediately chastised by her party leader Jack Layton. NDP Foreign Affairs Critic and Deputy Leader Thomas Mulcair delivered the message from the top at the time saying, “No member of our caucus, whatever other title they have, is allowed to invent their own policy. We take decisions together, parties formulate policies together, and to say that you’re personally in favour of boycott, divestment and sanctions for the only democracy in the Middle East is, as far as I’m concerned, grossly unacceptable.”

Now the Official Opposition, it appears that Layton and Mulcair are continuing to have trouble keeping an incoherent caucus in line. Alex Atamanenko, the NDP's Parliamentary representative for BC Southern Interior has just become an official endorser of the Sea Hitler, the boat a number of Canadian Marxist and Islamist groups want to use to break Israel's arms blockade of Gaza.

In reference to the Sea Hitler, Canada's Forein Affairs Minister, John Baird, said "Unauthorized efforts to deliver aid are provocative and, ultimately, unhelpful to the people of Gaza. Canada recognizes Israel’s legitimate security concerns and its right to protect itself and its residents from attacks by Hamas and other terrorist groups, including by preventing the smuggling of weapons."

Israel is permitting humanitarian aid to Gaza through land crossings, and Egypt recently opened its Rafah crossing with Gaza, so the only apparent reason for the new flotilla is for propaganda purposes to vilify Israel and to support the terrorist government of Hamas' ongoing effort to smuggle in Iranian weapons.

Hamas has been responsible for thousands of missile attacks on the Jewish state since it withdrew completely from Gaza in 2005. Hamas' charter calls for the destruction of Israel and the murder of Jews. so they will undoubtedly welcome an endorsement from a Canadian parliamentarian, even from a party as incompetent and irresponsible as the one led by "Community Clinic" Jack Layton.

The only outstanding question is whether Thomas Mulcair has lost control or if he can rein in wayward, radical MPs in his party who are trying to undermine his brief.

h/t Sassy Wire

UPDATE: This story was picked up by our friends at The National Post

1 comment:

  1. Well, first round across the bow ,second round bellow the water line.No boarding nonsense this time . And Heil Hitler comrades ! have a nice swim !



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