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Friday, October 15, 2010

New poll puts Rob Ford back on top in Toronto mayoral race

The poll was conducted on Thursday night, the day after trailing candidate Rocco Rossi withdrew from the race.

The poll shows support for each of the candidates as follows:

•Rob Ford: 44%

•George Smitherman: 38%

•Joe Pantalone: 16%

•Other candidates: 2%

•Undecided: 16%

It’s in contrast to an Ipsos Reid poll completed before Mr. Rossi withdrew and released on Wednesday that showed Mr. Smitherman with a narrow lead of 31%, followed by Rob Ford at 30%, Mr. Pantalone at 11% and Mr. Rossi at 4%.

It looks like enough people remembered that a vote for Smitherman is like an endorsement of Dalton McGuinty's mismanagement of the province and of Smitherman's incompetence as McGuinty's Minister of Health.

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