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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Dennis Prager's Happiness Equation explains why North American socialists are so...unhappy

Dennis Prager theorizes that the unhappiness in people's lives can be measured by an equation, being

U= I-R or Unhappiness equals Image minus Reality.

Which explains why people who imagined themselves being this:

and end up being this:

Tend to end up unhappy, resentful and envious.


Pyrodafox said...

I wanted to be a superhero, fly around the world, and shoot laser beams out of eyes when I was a kid. That image did not work out so well because of physics and all that but I am reasonably content nonetheless. Monty Python's "Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life" helps too. :)

Richard K said...

Yeah, I wanted to be an astronaut..and Batman, but I`ve come to terms with having other accomplishments, though not having reached those achievements. But rather than resent astronauts or Bruce Wayne, I wish them well in their respective extraterrestrial and crime fighting endeavors.