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Monday, August 5, 2013

The Pakistani Threat: Why is Israel Blind to What’s beyond Iran?

From Tarek Fatah:
Being a Muslim who defends the right of Israel to exist as a ‘Jewish State’ within secure internationally guaranteed borders does not help me generate a fan club among followers of Hamas. However, the fact I oppose the continuing presence of the IDF in the West Bank and my unapologetic support for a Palestinian State also ensures that many Jews see me with suspicion, thus ensuring an unenviable position where what I say has little resonance on either side of the debate.

As a friend of the Jewish people as well as the Arabs, the thought of a nuclear device exploding over Israel gives me the jitters. The fact is that it won’t just be Jews who will die in such an attack; millions of Arabs will be eviscerated, too. The problem is made worse by the fact that Israel is obsessed solely with the Islamic Republic of Iran that does not have a single nuclear warhead, while completely ignoring the real threat lying just east of Iran in the form of a fanatical army of Islamic zealots in nuclear-armed Pakistan.

Read the rest HERE 

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