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How To Deal With Gaza After Hamas

Monday, October 25, 2010

I hope all the people who said they would leave Toronto if Ford is elected keep their promise

Do you think they'll keep their word?  I wouldn't count on honesty from people who supported Smitherman. And the Pantalone backers are prone to meaningless hysterics..


Blazingcatfur said...

Please God Yes!

Anonymous said...

Send them all to Vancouver!

Louise said...

Phew!! Glad I live in fly-over country.

Admin said...

Don't let Yonge Street hit your ass on the way out.

Bob Devine said...

This Grumpa agrees with smartygran. The left coast would be perfect for them. Please do not sell them a ticket that allows a stop over in Alberta.

dab5 said...

Maybe they should go to the shore of Lake Ontario and walk south from there.

Anonymous said...

Whoa! Hey! Don't send them to Van. There's enough of them here already. Howzabout Peshawar! Yeah!