The other day, my friend Roy
Eappen sent out a tweet, or more precisely a retweet, saying, "Man Killed His Pregnant Girlfriend and Her Unborn Twins When
She Refused an Abortion."
Admittedly, I'm pro-abortion
rights, and can sympathize with the idea of not wanting to pay child support
for two unwanted kids for two decades. Even so, you'd imagine that
it would be obvious that any reasonable person, or even I, oppose murder and
would have been making a joke. Furthermore, I'm an animal lover, and am
unequivocally opposed to the actual skinning of cats.
So why didn't I fulfill the urge
to send out my little morbid
witticism of questionable taste?
Because people can't take a
fucking joke anymore.
We live in times where it seems
that every moron with Internet access spends all their waking hours scouring
electronic media for something at which they can find an excuse to take
offense. Then, they'll try to shut it down, by
either a petition or some
other form of social media campaign. If successful at censorship, they get to
shout about their "victory" and feel a sense of power they could
never otherwise achieve from, oh, say, creating something or doing something
However, the biggest culprits in
this trend aren't the insufferable Internet shitheads who get pleasure from
shutting down free speech. It's the media companies, the academic departments,
the politicians, and the rest who surrender like an Italian infantry unit at
the first sign of trouble.
The appropriate, rational
response to an impasse where someone wants to deny another their free speech
rights because of a perceived offense is to say, "go fuck yourself."
Or alternately to say, "you have every right to choose not to attend or
not to listen to things you find offensive, you can insult the person whose opinion you
dislike, but you
don't have the right to dictate what others can choose to hear."
Which isn't to say offensive
comedy can't be problematic. But in those instances, the marketplace of ideas
and commerce should be allowed to take their natural course.
It's time we stopped letting sanctimonious
would-be censors who troll the Internet dictate to the world what is acceptable
humor. There's only one real test for a joke, and that's whether or not it gets
a laugh.
The recent example of Trevor Noah
comes to mind. The prospective heir to Jon Stewart's throne at The
Daily Show got in hot water for a series of old tweets that were
insulting to women and Jews.
Trevor Noah's crime was that his
jokes about Jews and women weren't remotely funny. Sure, it's a matter of
taste. But the problem when a comedian keeps making the same type of unfunny
joke over and over, is that it can lead the casual observer to the natural conclusion
that it's not actually a joke, and the joker is just an asshole. A case in
point is the fascist, French, alleged "comedian" Dieudonne M'bala
M'bala. The guy hasn't said anything even mildly amusing
on purpose in decades. M'Bala M'bala's Holocaust "jokes," along
with his sincere promotions of anti-Semitic Holocaust deniers, make it
abundantly clear he really does hate Jews. Not that you can't make a
living from that. M'bala M'bala has a big following among Jew-hating fascists
and Islamists; not demographics generally considered to be major aficionados of
comedy, but their francs count as money just like anyone else's.
Balance can be difficult, since
comedy, like any other form of social satire, often needs to
offend some people to work properly. Unfortunately, the politically correct, intellectually
inhibiting climate we have has made contemporary comedy a challenging task.
Part of the dilemma is that
identifying satire and parody has become nearly
We get to witness absurdities
from requests for feminist jazz hands, because clapping could
be "triggering," to a grievance filed by a transexual upset
that she was referred to with the pronoun "Ms" instead
of "Mx," to UC Santa Barbara apologizing for serving tacos
during a science fiction party because
it might offend illegal aliens from Mexico. We live in times, thanks to
regressive leftists, where
there's frequently no discernible difference between parody and reality.
That became hilariously apparent
a few days ago when the brilliant twitter satirist Godfrey Elfwick was taken as
a serious "progressive," by the BBC. On a BBC radio show, the hosts
had no doubt of Elfwick's sincerity when he satirically described Star Wars as
racist and sexist because Darth
Vader was a "racial stereotype" who listened to rap music, and
that "the one main female character ended up chained to a horny space
Yes, we do live in strangely
ultra-sensitive times.
can show Jesus, Moses, Ganesha, and Buddha in a graphic orgy and no one cares,
but all you have to do now is draw one little cartoon of Mohammed
having sex with a goat and the next thing you know, some enraged Islamic mob is
trying to behead you. And the left is siding with the Islamists because
the mobs of maniacs trying to murder peaceful satirists are an otherized
minority, making them automatic victims, regardless of their
behavior. We've gone from living in times where the political left wants gun
control to where they want comic control. Remember folks, cartoons don't kill;
people do. And if Islam causes enough damage to the prefrontal cortex so that a
cartoon can stimulate great masses of its adherents into uncontrollable rage, maybe
it's finally time to make it illegal. Or at least require an Islam
license, since evidently, without proper training it can be lethal.
Perhaps the only way out of all
this is to utilize the rule described by Alan Alda's character in Woody Allen's
masterpiece, Crimes and Misdemeanors. "Comedy equals
tragedy plus time" may well be the rule to live by. Something that's a
tragedy today can be the subject of a joke later on.
There may be a corollary to that rule
involving applying common sense and picking an appropriate setting for a joke.
For example, a crack about a pregnant murder victim would be a pretty serious
breach of etiquette at the woman's funeral service. But among friends at a
coffee shop or bar...well..sure, it's still in awful
taste, but based on a trial among a small
sample audience, it appears it does get a laugh... even if it's combined with a
The Allen Rule with the Klagsbrun
Corollary. That could be the guideline for the future of humor.
If you don't believe me, you can
try it for yourself. The next time I write something you find offensive. just
take a deep breath, hold it, and slowly count to 240,380. By the time
you're done, I'm sure whatever I wrote won't trouble you in the least
Cross posted at The Rebel Blogs "The Megaphone"
Cross posted at The Rebel Blogs "The Megaphone"
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