The Star Wars Holiday Special::
The Star Wars Holiday Special by FilmGeek-TV
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...While the percentage of married women reported to have experienced FGM/C (female genital mutilation/circumcision) was still a whopping 94% in 2008, according to the most recent Egyptian Demographic Health Survey (DHS), that figure was down from 97% in 2000. It is expected that the next DHS report, anticipated in 2014, will show further progress. In 2008, the prevalence of FGM/C among girls 10-18 was 50.3%, a number that is projected to fall as those girls marry and have children of their own.
There are still considerable obstacles to overcome, not least of which is the Muslim Brotherhood’s defence of the violent practice...
I saw the original last week and (almost) couldn’t believe it.
Now, Commentary rebutts:
The article’s argument is that maybe if the fighters had not been so uppity, if they had not made a fuss–then the Nazis, who had already murdered 500,000 Jews of Warsaw, might have let the remaining 50,000 live. Maybe! It is not a new argument. Rather, the author amazingly resurrects and endorses the arguments of the Judernat, the Jewish collaboration government of the Ghetto. (…)
Fifteen months after the Sept. 11 attack in Benghazi which killed Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans, the narrative of the attack continues to be shaped, and reshaped, by politicians and the press.
But a New York Times report published over the weekend has angered sources who were on the ground that night. Those sources, who continue to face threats of losing their jobs, sharply challenged the Times’ findings that there was no involvement from Al Qaeda or any other international terror group and that an anti-Islam film played a role in inciting the initial wave of attacks.
“It was a coordinated attack. It is completely false to say anything else. … It is completely a lie,” one witness to the attack told Fox News.
Whether or not the Pajama-Boy bashers are unconsciously anti-Semitic or not, I don’t know. Consciously, they are against everything “Judaism” stands for, at least as construed by its enemies: outsiderness, cosmopolitanism, liberalism, a progressive rather than nativist agenda, an opposition to the notion that there is one kind of “normal” person, a sympathy for the underdog and the immigrant as opposed to the successful and the privileged, and, yes, a rejection of a certain gendered, masculinist understanding of justice wherein the strong survive and the weak are trampled underfoot like the untermenschen they are.For some time, imbecile leftists have lobbed the term "fascist" at anyone who disagrees with their sanctimonious ignorance.
That fascistic outlook has long been a part of far-right conservatism – whether in revisionist Zionism, contemporary French/Hungarian/Greek nationalism, American Republicanism, or German fascism.
It is usually the Canadian Federation of Students’ job to marshal student protests, not to endure them. But that day, more than 50 students clutching lobster traps and signs reading “Canadian Federation of Suing” were gathered outside to vent their frustrations at a body they alleged had calcified into a conniving, amoral organization bent on hanging onto its disillusioned membership at all costs.
“They’re like a creepy ex-boyfriend who won’t let it go,” protester Melissa Kate Wheeler told student journalist Jane Lytvynenko.
As president of the Concordia Student Union, Ms. Wheeler was one of a vocal cadre of student leaders across Canada with Kafkaesque tales of petitioning to leave the Federation, only to be stopped by a years long odyssey of ignored calls, counter-tactics and legal action.
In the words of an official protest statement, “students can get into CFS, but can never get out.”
A Malaysian Muslim group has called for New Year’s celebrations to be cancelled because they reflect Jewish culture and will cause Muslim youths to commit sins.
A top Muslim cleric in the Asian state also said the New Year should be recognised with pray and religious speeches rather than parties.
“The celebrations will have excessive entertainment, which can cause the majority of Muslim youth to let their guard down and commit a lot of sin,” Malaysia International Institute of Islamic Cooperation (Ikiam) Datuk Mustapha Idrus was quoted as saying by Malay daily Sinar Harian.
Moscow (CNN) -- A massive explosion at a train station in the Russian city of Volgograd killed at least 16 people, including one police officer, the Investigative Committee of Russia said on its website Sunday.
The head of the committee, Vladimir Markin, said 16 people had been killed and 34 people were injured, including a 9-year-old girl.
The female suicide bomber set off the device before she could pass through a metal detector, Markin said, citing available information
He said the bomber used the equivalent of 10 kilograms of TNT and included shrapnel.
JERUSALEM -- In the first border flare-up of its kind in four months, a Katyusha rocket fired from Lebanon struck northern Israel on Sunday, triggering a heavy artillery barrage from Israeli forces in response. No casualties were immediately reported on either side of the frontier.
The United Nations force in southern Lebanon urged restraint on both sides and said it was in contact with the Israeli and Lebanese authorities.
...Ford wasn’t the only person who could have declared a state of emergency in Toronto last week.
Premier Kathleen Wynne could have done it as well, without Ford’s consent.
Under Ontario’s Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, either the mayor or the premier can declare a state of emergency.
Under Section 4: “The head of council (the mayor) of a municipality may declare that an emergency exists in the municipality or in any part thereof and may take such action and make such orders as he or she considers necessary ... ’’ But in the same law, under Section 7, the premier of Ontario, “may by order declare that an emergency exists throughout Ontario or in any part of Ontario” if “in the Premier’s opinion the urgency of the situation requires that an order be made immediately.” Since Toronto is clearly “any part of Ontario” Wynne could have declared a state of emergency, without Ford’s permission.
Given that Wynne didn’t do that, it’s likely, she agreed with experts on emergency preparedness who said Ford made the right call.
The telecoms company O2 has been forced to amend its so-called “porn filter” after it inadvertently blocked access to charity sites including ChildLine, the NSPCC and the Samaritans.
The filters have been introduced by major internet service providers (ISPs) in recent weeks after demands from David Cameron that telecoms companies act to stop children “stumbling across hardcore legal pornography”.
But the changes have led to internet users being denied access to a wide range of organisations including child protection charities, women’s charities and gay rights groups. Among institutions that have found themselves subject to the blocks are the British Library and the National Library of Scotland.
The opt-in filters also deny access to the Parliament and Government websites and the sites of politicians, including Claire Perry, the MP who has campaigned prominently for the introduction of filters.
A Christmas miracle took place at an animal shelter when a puppy declared stillborn sprang to life 45 minutes later.
Vets at the Aurora Animal Shelter in Colorado were astonished by the event, which was described as ‘impossible’.
The heartwarming story begins on Christmas Eve, when a small dog in labor was brought to the front desk.
Here’s an excerpt of Shaykh Rageah’s lecture:
“If Allah blesses you with two daughters and you maintain them, teach them the book of Allah [Quran], put the hijab [traditional veil] on them, and you say; Aisha you look beautiful with the hijab, Temiya, you look wonderful with the hijab. And Glorious is God (سبØان الله), A lot of sisters and a lot of brothers, they don't understand that children from a young age they adopt what they see and they grow with what you teach them, and the sisters, God has willed it (ما شاء الله), [say]: ‘Oh she is so cute, she is just going to a wedding. She is only nine year old; God has willed it (ما شاء الله). Put a miniskirt for her’. A miniskirt when she bends down you can see, Glorious is God (سبØان الله), the moon from the other end. Allah is the greatest (الله اكبر).
“But this is not Islam. Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her (رضي الله عنها), she was married at the age of nine. If you think that is abuse, Oprah [Winfrey], this lady she was pregnant when she was nine year old. She is an adult. Don't treat them like other kids. No. You say, Hey, Shame on you. This is not what Allah Glorified and Exalted be He (سبØانه Ùˆ تعالى) desires from you. This is not what Allah wants from you. This is not what the messenger of Allah (رسول الله), peace and blessing be upon him (صلى الله عليه وسلم), wants from you.”
Shaykh Rageah’s statement regarding Oprah Winfrey is inaccurate. In an interview to Dave Letterman Winfrey admitted that she survived a brutal rape at the age of nine, underwent constant episodes of sexual molestation between the ages of 10 and 14 and became pregnant at 14 (her son died in infancy).
The Court deemed reasonable my view that CAF had apparently endorsed terrorist organisations & made arguably anti-Semitic public statements.
— Jason Kenney (@kenneyjason) December 24, 2013
Glad to see Federal Court has upheld my 2009 decision to stop CIC settlement funding of Cdn Arab Fedn because of its leadership's extremism.
— Jason Kenney (@kenneyjason) December 24, 2013
The North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was "very drunk" when he ordered the recent execution of two aides close to his uncle Jang Song-thaek, reports say.More HERE
According to the Japanese newspaper YomiuriShimbun, the pair questioned an order from the dictator to hand over control of a business to the military. Sources told the newspaper Kim was "upset" when they said they needed to check with "Director Jang" first.
The leader's uncle, who was removed from power and killed as part of a recent high-profile purge, was head of the ruling Workers' Party administrative department.
Log Cabin Republicans, the only LGBT advocacy organization on the Obamacare Repeal Coalition, denounced a video advertisement by Out2Enroll exploiting gay stereotypes to encourage gay men to enroll in the Affordable Care Act.
“This cynical ad betrays the depths Obamacare advocates will sink to in order to pad their pathetic enrollment numbers,” Log Cabin Republicans Executive Director Gregory T. Angelo declared. “As a self-proclaimed ‘fierce advocate’ of gay equality, President Obama would do well to distance himself from this nonsense and denounce it immediately. This ad is also an example of the left promoting harmful stereotypes that gay men are nothing more than sex-crazed lechers. If anyone on the right made such a comparison, liberals would be apoplectic. At a time when left-wing propagandists are decrying Duck Dynasty‘s Phil Robertson for equating homosexuality with promiscuity and deviance, Out2Enroll and others should take a look in the mirror and ask if the truth is that they are the ones responsible for promoting such harmful stereotypes.”
If there are still many Americans who believe that college and university professors are harmless drudges obsessed with moldy futilities, people who know so much about so little that they can neither be contradicted nor are worth contradicting, they should be disabused of their illusions by the recent decisions of three (ostensibly) academic organizations to boycott the academic institutions of the state of Israel. First, the Asian American Studies Association in April, and more recently the American Studies Association, and the Council of Native Americans and Indigenous Studies Association. All have decided that they can no longer share the globe with a Jewish-majority state, any more than the academics included in Max Weinreich’s classic study of Hitler’s Professors (YIVO, 1946) could continue to share Europe with its Jewish minority.
It was these German professors who made anti-Semitism academically respectable and complicit in raw murder.
The struggle to restore Toronto’s power may have paled compared to the power struggle behind the scenes.
On one hand, you had a mayor trying to be a mayor and on the other, you had the deputy mayor — with appointed executive powers — waiting to, perhaps, take control.
To do that, a state of emergency needed to be called.
But Mayor Rob Ford is the only one who can do that.
If such a declaration was made, Councillor Norm Kelly — the deputy mayor — would have taken charge.
In the wake of Ford’s crack cocaine scandal, city council determined that Kelly — not the mayor — should be the one to lead in the event of an emergency. As a result, council transferred that power from Ford to Kelly.
Lots of games being played.
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Paulo Freire (1921-1997) |
...the revolutionary process is eminently educational in character. Thus the road to revolution involves openness to the people, not imperviousness to them; it involves communion with the people, not mistrust. And, as Lenin "pointed out, the more a revolution requires theory, the more its leaders must be with the people in order to stand against the power of oppression.So when Freire discuses oppression and "the oppressed," his notion of oppression is capitalism and an education system that produced people like Robert Graves, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Robert Frost, Thomas Sowell, Jonas Salk, and T.E. Lawrence. Freire's means of addressing this "oppression" is to adopt the ideology of a ruthless totalitarian who casually had people executed because their political outlook differed from his.
Friere's oppressive
hero of "the oppressed"
Lenin's famous statement: "Without a revolutionary theory there can be no revolutionary movement" means that a revolution is achieved with neither verbalism nor adtivism, but rather with praxis, that is, with reflection and action directed at the structures to be transformed. The revolutionary effort to transform these structures radically cannot designate its leaders as its thinkers and the oppressed as mere doers.The Toronto District School Board encourages students and teachers to read this book, and other bizarre tracts, to better understand issues of race, gender, sexuality and class.
Whatever horrifying condition deprived Pajama Boy of his genitals, I suppose we must be thankful he can’t pass it along to future generations. But the leftism represented by this genderless icon has been on full display recently — and it’s as awful to look upon as the poor, sad mutilated soul in the picture above.
Take for instance, the American Studies Association‘s recent academic boycott of greedy, big-nosed Jews. Okay, they didn’t put it that way exactly — the modern leftist anti-semite doesn’t say “Jew,” he says “Israel,” or “Zionist.” But anti-semitism is what it is both pure and simple. Whatever violation of human rights you can contrive to find in Israeli security measures, they are nothing compared to the day-to-day oppression of women (half the population, remember), non-Muslims and other humans in the surrounding Muslim countries. So why not boycott them as well?
ASA spokesman Reinhard Heydrich (Obergruppenfuhrer retired) explained the scholars’ reasoning.
"If there is one thing we learned from Adolf Hitler’s war against the Jews it is that we must not demonize the other. And if there is one thing we learned from Edward Said’s book Orientalism it is that the other is Muslim. And Muslims don’t like Jews. Therefore we must wage war against the Jews."
This has been the year of Vladimir Putin's ascendancy. The Russian president has made Barack Obama look like a conman's stooge – a lame duck president so weak that he can barely waddle to the pond. Putin has managed to protect his client dictatorship in Syria – even after it broke one of the few taboos limiting man's inhumanity to man by using chemical weapons. He has Edward Snowden, perhaps the most damaging leaker in recent history, under the vigilant eyes of his secret police in Moscow. He has out-manoeuvred the pro-European demonstrators in Kiev and bought off the Ukrainian government.
At home, his control over the state and civil society is so complete that he can afford to play the merciful tsar and release dissidents and his former rival Mikhail Khodorkovsky.
Forbes magazine was not making a mistake when it called Putin the world's most powerful person in 2013....
Sami Al-Arian was convicted of being a secret Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader in the U.S. He’s under house arrest, so he isn’t seen in public much. Except for November 5, when he was photographedattending a pro-Muslim Brotherhood briefing on Capitol Hill.
Al-Arian was able to attend because of a change in his regulations. He is now only on a curfew and can leave his home if he wears a tracker. It is unclear why security protocols at the Cannon House Office Building didn’t prevent his entry.
A new pro-Muslim Brotherhood organization named the Egypt Freedom Foundation organized the event using a room reserved by Rep. Andre Carson (D-IN)...
At a Palestinian Authority event under the auspices of Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, with the participation of the Minister of Culture, the Palestinian Authority portrayed murder as a positive act.
The event started with PA Minister of Culture Anwar Abu Aisha honoring a number of released terrorist murderers by inviting them on stage and awarding them PA plaques of honor. Palestinian Media Watch has documented that the PA uses cultural events to honor terrorists.
Later in the program, a play was performed by Palestinian youth. The play opens with young actors who are divided into two rival camps of Hamas and Fatah supporters. Eventually they throw away their Fatah and Hamas flags, uniting under the PA flag. Then they shoot and kill all the "Israelis." Among the dead bodies of the Israelis, they find a Palestinian who had been spying for Israel.
The "spy" begs for his life. However, the Palestinian leader makes him kneel down and shoots him in the head.
Last week, following the public apology of an English comedian and the arrest of a fellow British subject both for making somewhat feeble Mandela gags, I noted that supposedly free societies were increasingly perilous places for those who make an infelicitous remark. So let’s pick up where we left off:
Here are two jokes one can no longer tell on American television. But you can still find them in the archives, out on the edge of town, in Sub-Basement Level 12 of the ever-expanding Smithsonian Mausoleum of the Unsayable. First, Bob Hope, touring the world in the year or so after the passage of the 1975 Consenting Adult Sex Bill:
“I’ve just flown in from California, where they’ve made homosexuality legal. I thought I’d get out before they make it compulsory.”
...In another aspect of the Ford controversy, a number of people have angrily sent me copies of a letter that the disgraceful John Honderich — the chair of the board of Torstar Corporation (the Star’s owner) and a former Star publisher — assumedly approved for distribution to 70 prominent Torontonians, urging them to agitate for the mayor’s removal in mid-term, and taking them to task as moral outcasts of the community for not joining in the full Christmas revelry of the Star’s attempted putsch....
Almost everything that could go wrong did go wrong for the cause of global warming
2013 has been a gloomy year for global warming enthusiasts. The sea ice in the Antarctic set a record, according to NASA, extending over a greater area than at any time since 1979 when satellite measurements first began. In the Arctic the news is also glum. Five years ago, Al Gore predicted that by 2013 “the entire North polar ice cap will be gone.” Didn’t happen. Instead, a deflated Gore saw the Arctic ice cap increase by 50% over 2012. This year’s Arctic ice likewise exceeded that of 2008, the year of his prediction. And that of 2009, 2010 and 2011.
Weather between the poles has also conspired to make the global warming believers look bad. In December, U.S. weather stations reported over 2000 record cold and snow days. Almost 60% of the U.S. was covered in snow, twice as much as last year. The heavens even opened up in the Holy Land, where an awestruck citizenry saw 16 inches of snow fall in Jerusalem, almost three feet in its environs. Snow blanketed Cairo for the first time in more than 100 years.
2013 marks the 17th year of no warming on the planet. ..
Many highly educated, politically sophisticated, well-off people voted for Rob Ford in the last Toronto mayoralty election. It was not for no reason. Despite a recent run of weeks that could hardly be worse for Mr. Ford – admissions of crack cocaine use, drunkenness, lies, cover-ups, personal meltdowns, international ridicule – 42 per cent of those now polled approve of him in his time in office. Again, it is not for no reason.
Before being elected mayor, Mr. Ford was a long-serving but not widely known city councillor. Those who knew him best are least surprised by the revelations. He promised to cut taxes. All candidates everywhere now promise to cut taxes, but Mr. Ford, with his blunt conviction, looked like he meant it.