Today Neil Macdonald, a CBC reporter who has often demonstrated
particular animus towards Israel and its supporters, wrote a story with the
inflammatory and misleading headline," Ottawa
threatening hate charges against those who boycott Israel."
Former Liberal
Party strategist and political consultant Warren Kinsella infused some
perspective in the discussion of Macdonald's tome by calling it what it is,
"anti-Israel horseshit" that gives lots of space to Israel's enemies
and none to its supporters.
quite accurately noted that the "story
simply does not back up the shocker of a headline, that the federal government
is “threatening” critics of Israel with criminal charges. The
screed is loaded with phrases and words like “could,” “would be,” “if,”
“appears,” and so on. There is no proof, anywhere, that Ottawa has
charged a single person or group. And that raises another factual error: to
prosecute a hate crime, you first need the approval of the provincial
Attorney General – not “Ottawa.”
I'm not a fan of the
demented fanatics whose existences are devoted to destroying Israel through
boycotts, but Hate Crimes prosecution is not the way to deal with them, and as
Kinsella pointed out, there's no evidence it will happen in Canada.
The government is
correct. The effort to boycott and eliminate Israel IS the new face of
anti-Semitism. The anti-Israel vermin who say that the concept of a Jewish
state is "racist" have no apparent problem with any other form of
ethno-nationalism in the entire world, particularly not Palestinian
nationalism. There are over two dozen countries in the world with Jus sanguinis (right of blood) laws of citizenship,
including Italy, South Korea, Ireland, Hungary, and Greece, but according to
the Jew-haters, the only example of such laws being "racist" is that
of Israel. Twenty percent of Israel's citizens are Muslim Arabs, who have full
rights of enfranchisement, are not subject to segregation in any way, serve in
that country's the military, on its Supreme Court, hold senior positions in
the diplomatic corps and hold elected positions in the national legislature.
The Palestinians have laws imposing the death penalty for selling land to a
Jew, have proclaimed no Jews will be allowed to live in a future Palestinian
state, and the Palestinian government in Gaza has a founding charter which
actually calls for the killing of all Jews.
But according to
Canada's anti-Israel activists, it's Israel which practices
Such people aren't
only anti-Semites, as Canada's government has said; they're also pathological
At one of the City
of Toronto's Executive Committee Hearings a couple of years ago, I gave a brief
talk about my opposition to public funding for Toronto's Gay Pride Parade if it
included participation by a bizarre hate group called "Queers Against
Israeli Apartheid." The Gay Pride Parade is different than the
week-long Pride Festival, the latter of which involves no formal participation
by the motley collection of anti-Israel fanatics. However both the Parade and
the Festival are important symbols of support for the Gay community and I'm
strongly in favor of them. But I'm not in favor of my tax dollars subsidizing a
platform for a gang of anti-Semites to spew their venom.
At one point in my
talk, I referred to the pathetic clique of anti-Israel Jews who, desperate for
attention and relevance in their otherwise meaningless lives, allow themselves
to be displayed up front, like clowns leading a circus parade, to try to
deflect charges of anti-Semitism leveled against them. I refer to such
people as Munchausen Jews,
since the only value of their "Jewishness" is their masturbatory need
to get attention for themselves as "anti-Israel activists." In fact, some
of these so-called "Independent Jewish Voices" aren't even Jews.
Speaking to the
city's Executive Committee, I compared those Jews to kapos, those handful of
Jews who helped the Nazis during the Holocaust. In fact, I'm of the opinion
they're even worse than kapos, since relatively few people outside of
those directly involved knew the extent of Hitler's mechanized infrastructure
of mass-murder. But today, fully aware of the possibilities, some of these
"Independent Jewish Voices" show up in support of the
genocidal Iranian dictatorship at
the deranged annual al Quds day rallies calling for Israel's destruction.
One such person took so much offense at my speech that she walked up to me after I was finished and while I was speaking to an acquaintance, came up within a couple of feet of me, glaring with hate. She was a wretched-looking woman, about fifty, but with a face lined with bitter crevasses formed from decades of being misery. An foul woman of no intellectual prowess and no beauty, her "social justice activism" was her sole badge of noteworthiness. She was enraged that I or anyone could dare to denigrate the one thing that gave her existence meaning. She seemed to think that her infuriated gaze would make me contrite, or perhaps cause me to melt from its inflamed passion.
interrupting my jovial conversation I glanced at her, smiled
slightly as I would if an interesting insect had crawled by, and then ignored
her until she went away. That seemed to really piss her off.
If you heard
someone say that they have "identified a racial contract" that
"assumes a collusion of interests between the Canadian and Israeli states,
"and that Canadian Jews' support for Prime Minister Stephen Harper is
rooted in their ambition, as a community "to maintain its place in the
racial order," there's agood chance you'd assume you were listening to
some crazy Nazi. It was one of those fanatical anti-Israel "Independent
Jewish Voices" who
actually said that.
via twitter |
And so do the rest
of us.
Despite what these
pseudo-intellectual creeps may say, criticizing the speech of someone is not
suppressing free speech. If they have the right to boycott Israel, then the
rest of us have the right to boycott such deplorable hatemongers, and to
advocate to deny public funding and tax-exemptions to them and anyone who
employs them.
US President
Woodrow Wilson once said, "I have always been among those who believed
that the greatest freedom of speech was the greatest safety, because if a man
is a fool, the best thing to do is to encourage him to advertise the fact by
I agree with
Wilson (and hope he wasn't talking about me), and like the fact that the most
vile people in our society have free speech, because that way we know who they
are. Exposing them is much more effective than making martyrs of them by trying
to shut them up.
It's critical to
remember that if we want to claim to be a free society, we can't take free
speech away from even the most terrible of people, for to do so threatens free
speech for all of us.
Cross posted at THE REBEL
Cross posted at THE REBEL
1 comment:
Munchausen Jews.... brilliant eponym ..... that foul woman of no intellectual prowess and no beauty, ozing with "social justice activism" , you speak of ... is a Social Justice Warriors { SJWs } and they are Addicted to Hate, they are as fanatical as Holy-jihadis . SJWs are only truly happy when they’re violently unhappy – and, should sweet misery elude them, they pathologically hunt it down.... !
Neurotic socio-paths, bĂȘte noires that wear their intolerant shackles with pride ! It’s a life NEED !
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