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How To Deal With Gaza After Hamas

Monday, September 21, 2015

Upcoming talk in University of Toronto Anthropology Dept's 'Death to Israel' lecture series postponed

While not formally calling it the "Death to Israel Lecture Series," the point of them is pretty clear.

It turns out this planned lecture at U of Toronto's Anthropology Department is postponed, so fanatical anti-Semites and crazed anti-western academic imbeciles will have to satisfy their lust in other ways that afternoon.

You'll note that for them "Israeli colonialism" is postulated. On behalf of whom Israel is "colonizing" should make for an interesting question. A better one still is how people who were indigenous to a place for the last 2800 years, and whose culture predates the Islamic one there by more than a millennium are "colonizers."

But it's probably not fair to expect anything rational from this politicized, extremist University of Toronto department. One of its "human rights" activists is a bloodthirsty cretin who publicly celebrates and wishes for the deaths of Israelis.


Friday, September 25, 2015 
Prof. Amahl Bishara (Tufts University)
Varieties of Colonialism and The Politics of Fracture: Protesting the Gaza War in Israel and the West Bank Anthropology Colloquium Series 2:00-4:00pm, AP 246, 19 Russell St.
 Political systems and physical space establish the conditions of possibility for political expression within and between two Palestinian communities: Palestinian citizens of Israel and Palestinians of the Israeli-occupied West Bank, two groups differently subaltern in relation to Israeli colonialism.
During the 2014 Gaza War, both groups protested in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza. Ethnographic research at both of these sites demonstrates that, even though these different protests drew on and celebrated the same political culture, forms of protest diverged. In Israel, protesters chanted nationalist slogans at permitted protests guarded by Israeli police. In the West Bank, demonstrators focused on direct confrontation with Israeli soldiers. This paper argues that we must attend to how different kinds of subalterneity can exist in a single political system, even when groups share elements of culture and history, and how these differences can inhibit both dialogue and collective expression. I argue that by deploying legal, cultural, and military forms of domination differently across various environments, states cultivate distinct communicative regimes even within a single sovereign space or political system. The variations within systems may be critical to a system’s durability.
 Please register for this event at http://anthropology.utoronto.ca/events/colloquiumamahlbishara/.

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