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Sunday, August 21, 2016

A tale of two Louisiana disasters and media bias

If ever there was a contrast to make around "then-and-now" media coverage of a Republican and Democratic president put in similar situations and their respective reactions to it, this one definitely makes the Top 5.

2005: President George W. Bush's presidency is basically declared over after he waits two days to cut a vacation short to return to the White House to directly engage in relief strategy around hurricane-ravaged Katrina.  On Day 3, he would visit the Gulf Coast to survey the damage.

The headlines at the time and since have included, A compassionate Bush was absent right after KatrinaThe 7 worst moments of George W. Bush’s presidencyKanye West Rips Bush at TelethonWhat If They Were White?Jesse Jackson lashes out at Bush over Katrina responseKatrina thrusts race and poverty onto national stage: Bush and Congress under pressure to actand An Imperfect Storm - How race shaped Bush's response to Katrina.

So it's clear how the narrative went from "Bush waited three days to visit the Gulf Coast" to "Bush is a racist who would have acted faster if white people were victims of Katrina."Why?

Because Kanye West said so...

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