A Message from Kathy Shaidle of FiveFeetOfFury.com
Warman sued Arnie for libel, largely for comments made by Arnie’s readers, as well as for linking to Mark Steyn’s website,SteynOnline.com.
At long last, the lawsuit is over. However, the fight was expensive and Arnie and I still have big legal bills.
We hate to ask for your help again, but we have to.
Already, plenty of individuals who treasure freedom of speech–from Glenn Reynolds of Instapundit to our countless loyal readers–have graciously donated to help settle these bills and we are almost free and clear, thanks to them.
And now, thanks to the great Mark Steyn himself, we can announce one last fundraising push that even includes a terrificthank you gift.
Mark Steyn is generously offering a FREE copy of his wonderful book, Lights Out–about his own battles to restore freedom of speech in Canada–as his way of thanking anyone who kindly donates $200 or more to help Arnie and me.
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