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Monday, August 12, 2013

Fifty Shades of Grey more abusive than kinky: Report

The relationship depicted in the erotic bestseller Fifty Shades of Grey is strikingly similar to actual, documented patterns of abuse, a new report has found.

Anastasia's tryst with Christian in the mega-popular book is more abusive than kinky, concludes the report published Monday in the Journal of Women's Health.


Anonymous said...

Signs of abusive patterns can be found in any relationship if someone looks at closely enough.

What sets their relationship apart from a true abusive relationship is that he loves and respects her enough to change.

Richard K said...

I've read excerpts - the writing style was just too awful to bother reading the entire book. From what I gather from the parts read by the great Gilbert Gottfried, he wants to jam his fist up her ass, and nothing says love and respect like that!

Ugh.. I hope that person would have a large bedside supply of Purell..and Vasoline..

Anonymous said...

You should read the books before making statements about the content. That way you get the facts straight intead of making asanine assumtions that are clearly incorrect.

Richard K said...

I'd rather be asinine than ass-fisted!

And I have better things to do with my time than read what is essentially a Harlequin romance that was spiced up with S&M depravity.

Anonymous said...

Blah, blah, blah. If you have better things to do with your time, then why even waste time commenting about it in the first place.

Richard K said...

I'm providing an important public service by warning people about the dangers of being sucked into the depraved glorification of sado-masochistic literature.

It starts with crappy sex novels and ends up with dead bodies from asphyxiation during sex...

Anonymous said...

That's like saying driking coffee with caffeine is a gateway drug that ends with overdosing on heroine.

Unknown said...

I loved the book Fifty Shades Of Grey. I am so glad i enjoyed Christian and Ana's story.
Fifty Shades of Grey

Unknown said...

Book awesome just waiting for movie Fifty shades of grey...
Fifty Shades Of Grey

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for the wonderful book! I finished it a few days ago and cannot get it out of my head. It is pure magic. It was everything I hoped it would be and much more. ...
the movie fifty shades

Unknown said...

I loved the books. I should agree these are the best written books.
the movie fifty shades

Anonymous said...

Nice Book!!!
Thanks for sharing
Movie Fifty shades