Personally, I'm enthusiastically in favor of equal rights for women and encourage it, particularly as I've noticed how a lot of outspoken feminists recede from asserting their equality when a bar tab shows up.
But Jezebel routinely crosses the line from advocacy to idiocy.
The notion of 'male feminists' is a fairly stupid one. The men who self-identify as such tend to be noxious asses engaged in a lame, ongoing attempt to get into leftist women's pants.
It seems that's how Jezebel likes their men - stupid and emasculated...or as it turns out... suicidal.
A self-loathing male married to the harridan Courtney Love, Cobain put a shotgun to his head and fertilized his greenhouse plants with his brains back in 1994.
Cobain was sensitive, he hated men and his very last act was to make sure there was one less man on the planet. So who better to serve as Jezebel's archetype for the male feminist?
h/t Karen R
To counter your demonizing of sensitive guys, here are two tributes to them, the first by the composer and lyracists Christine Lavin (though still with revised lyrics)
and a shorter video
Those videos are about 6 years old..I think the typical sensitive new age guy has gotten even worse.
I remember when Alan Alda was the role model for that character. Now he's John Wayne by comparison.
Of course Cobain is their poster boy. He was rich and he killed himself young. A feminists dream husband.
You people are dogshit.
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